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Definition of inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia in children is due to a benign congenital malformation, patent ductus peritoneovaginal, which was not closed during the seventh month of pregnancy. This hole persistent part of the contents of the abdomen (large or small intestine, intraabdominal fat) may stray, projecting into the channel: the inguinal hernia.

In boys, the bowel may descend into the scrotum.

In girls, the ovaries can break into the inguinal hernia, under the skin: this is called hernia of the ovary.

Who is affected by an inguinal hernia?

Inguinal hernia affects approximately 3-4% of children, more boys (10%) than girls. It is more common in premature infants (30%) since the channel had less time to close before birth. Inguinal hernia is more common on the right side than the left side. It can be bilateral in 10% of cases in the term infant, but it is the case when two premature infants with hernia (50% of cases).

Symptoms and signs of inguinal hernia

In the case of an inguinal hernia without complications, a simple size appears in the groin when the child coughs, cries, sneezes or abdominal made ​​an effort. The doctor can manually reduce the pending surgery, which is inevitable.

When should you consult?

As content in and out spontaneously, inguinal hernia is free. But it may happen that the hernia is strangulated, that is to say that the segment of bowel is stuck in the channel peritoneovaginal. In general, the child then digestive disorders, vomiting or he complains of severe pain. This is a surgical emergency. Should be consulted within two hours of the onset of symptoms. Surgery within six hours is needed to avoid damaging irreparably bodies stuck.

What is the doctor?
The intervention of closure is inevitable to avoid bottlenecks and digestive discomfort.

The operation of a strangulated inguinal hernia is not simple, short and generally well tolerated. It lasts half an hour. The child is asleep under general anesthesia, usually supplemented by a local or regional anesthesia to reduce postoperative pain. The incision so the scar is in the groin and is almost invisible. Pain, small, relieved by paracetamol.

Risks and consequences of an inguinal hernia

The risks relate to possible strangulation of inguinal hernia and general anesthesia. There is a minimal risk of recurrence because of the immaturity and fragility of the tissues, especially in premature or early surgery in cases of emergency surgery for a strangulated hernia. There is also a risk of injury to the testicle, which may not grow as well as that of the other side.

Not to be confused with anything?

  • The hydrocele (fluid around the testicle), the cord cyst.
  • In case of strangulation tract: gastroenteritis.

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