Definition of mold
Mildew usually means all fungi in the environment. These microorganisms can enter directly into homes, or get inside in the form of spores in the air; Then they play a vital role in the development of certain diseases or allergies. Allergy defined by an immune response of the body, inappropriate and exaggerated, then touches their eyes, skin, and respiratory system as the nose or bronchi.
Alternatively, other molds enter the body and multiply in the form of filaments causing tissue destruction or inflammation.
Risks and consequences of mold growth
The number of allergies is increasing in industrialized countries. Respiratory allergies are the most common, as it is estimated that about one in four has clinical symptoms of respiratory allergy, and mold are responsible for many of them.
The growth of fungi and mold requires a moist environment: basements, kitchens and bathrooms are ideal area to development. Other factors are also found as a flood, leaks from the roof or plumbing, or poor ventilation.
Origins of mold growth
A number of factors, nutritional and environmental factors must be present for mold to develop. The main molds found in homes are Stachybotrys, Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., And other Trichoderma sp.
Then pathogenicity mold is twofold:
- First, they can cause allergies with a necessary first step referred awareness is the first meeting of the body or with the mold. Subsequent contacts result in an allergic reaction, which occurs by releasing a substance, histamine, causing the symptoms. The action of histamine can be blocked by specific drugs called "antihistamines."
- Second, molds can cause infections, athlete's foot easy to very serious lung infections in immunocompromised individuals, such as aspergillosis.
Mold - Prevention
How it does it manifest?
The allergy is usually manifested by mild symptoms such as rhinitis (runny nose, sneezing) or conjunctivitis (red eyes, watery) or respiratory symptoms like asthma. These symptoms occur readily in places rich in mold, and in any case, even in a single place (the symptoms resolve when the patient goes on holiday, for example).
Other fungal infections such as result in skin damage, inflammatory or squamous between toes or on the skin.
With what should we be confused?
It should not be confused with mold bacteria or viruses. Molds, and fungi are "micro-organisms" (such as bacteria, viruses, parasites) and most are harmless. Some are used in foods (originally cheeses like Roquefort) or to produce medicines such as antibiotics. Mold does not mean mandatory diseases.
Will it possible prevention?
Humidity promotes the development and growth of mold. Reducing the moisture content must be a priority, with an optimum relative humidity between 30% and 50%. We must therefore ventilate showers and other water facilities outwards use dehumidifiers and exhaust fans, insulate cold surfaces to prevent condensation on pipes and windows.
If flood or leak, clean quickly (within 48 hours). Do not use water or limit its use for cleaning carpets and rugs.
Finally, in case of allergy, avoid contact, particularly when cleaning poorly ventilated rooms.
Molds - Consultation
When to consult?
While most allergies are not emergencies, especially for mold allergies, allergic or anaphylactic shock or asthma attack are true emergency. Symptoms are noisy with difficulty breathing, generalized edema and a drop in blood pressure. The appeal to the SAMU-Centre 15 is essential for medical management.
Similarly, some molds can trigger pneumonia with fever, cough and chest pain. This is aspergillosis requiring emergency treatment, sometimes administered resuscitation.
What is the doctor?
The doctor guides the diagnosis and suspected link with mold. In case of allergy, it may possibly lead to an allergist to identify the allergen or allergens cause, and implement treatment. The allergy consultation through careful questioning and physical examination; depending on the suspected allergens, tests called prick tests or skin tests may be offered.
At the same medical diagnosis, environmental diagnosis of the house is often necessary to search for common signs of damage caused by water and the presence of mold. Visual inspection is simple and reliable: discolorations, dark circles, darker areas or stains on surfaces.
The treatments include the allergen avoidance. So-called antihistamines fight against allergy symptoms. Desensitization (or specific immunotherapy) is difficult in the case of the proposed bit and mold.
The treatment and prevention of mold in the home is also a priority, wearing a mask and rubber gloves during cleaning, and call a specialist if the amount of mold is important (surfaces to be treated).
How to prepare for my next visit?
To facilitate the allergy survey, it is useful to identify and record the symptoms and triggering circumstances. This will find the allergen and avoid it, and thus guide the doctor.
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