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Child hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Definition

Child hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is abbreviated as ADHD, is often referred to the child as "hyperactive child". However, hyperactivity is only one aspect of this neurobiological disease, alongside attention problems and impulsivity. Behavioral disorders due to a disturbance of information processing by the brain. They lead to difficulties in school life, and family friendly. The diagnosis of ADHD is retained before the association hyperactivity impulsivity + + attention deficit disorder lasting for at least six months.

Risks and consequences of child hyperactivity

If not detected early or not treated appropriately, the main risks of ADHD are school failure, depression, lack of self-esteem, relationship problems and substance abuse nerve: alcohol or various drugs. Without proper management, professional failure and social exclusion of adults are due to academic failure and relational difficulties of the child. The family also suffers and exhausted trying to rectify this difficult course.

According to Professor Michel Bader, Lausanne (2005 study), at least 4% of children and adolescents suffer from this disease. The male of this disease is clear, there are four to nine boys with a girl according to studies.

Causes and mechanisms of ADHD

They are not yet well identified but the neurobiological disorder dominates, that is to say, the malfunction of cerebral metabolism, ahead of errors by the education environment.

There is a genetic predisposition to attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity: several members of a family are sometimes affected. In addition, numerous environmental factors, such as repeated stress, a little family background framing, which facilitate the expression of this disease.

Symptoms and signs of hyperactivity in children

One of the major symptoms of ADHD is the difficulty of the child to finish what he started, because it scatters and goes constantly from one activity to the other: "zap". He did not finish his homework or any other activity, it is easily distracted (remarkable sign) even in his games!

He does not listen when spoken to or only a few seconds, lost, forgotten or broken objects necessary for everyday life and school. Hyperactivity is seen in the fact stirring all the time in the hands and feet, squirming on his chair and have trouble sitting still in class or at home, run and climb everywhere, chatting incessantly.

Finally, it is impulsive, with difficulty waiting turn, let others talk and finish their sentences, to comply prohibited easier.

With what should we be confused?

There is not a single trait but a real disease (sustainable) behavior. It is not mental retardation, these children are often quite intelligent.

A diagnosis of ADHD can not be established from mere suspicion or observation environment. It must be made ​​by health professionals from a neurological and / or child psychiatry. This assessment uses the observation of the child and the use of standardized rating scales.

When to consult?

As soon as the situation lasts for more than six months, it is the reference: it puts the ball in nerves of parents and children suffer as much as the environment. These conditions must include both elements of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, a number of measures can then be taken which will then allow the child to overcome his disability to achieve the optimal development of their intellectual abilities, emotional and social.

How to prepare for the consultation with the doctor?

Must be described as accurately as possible behavioral disorders, indicate the date of occurrence, the impact on school life, family and society. Also noteworthy family history of ADHD and other diseases whose child has suffered.

What is the doctor?

The doctor sees all parents and child, then the child alone to evaluate its behavior outside the presence of parents. Questions about specific facts, observed behaviors and how communicate and interact with various members of the family.

It also requires a biological research with iron deficiency (anemia) which aggravates ADHD like many other childhood diseases. It offers an assessment if necessary pedopsychiatric in a specialized center to confirm the diagnosis and implement treatment.

Treatment includes medication: methylphenidate reduces hyperactivity and increase attention. Psychotherapy using cognitive behavioral therapy and / or family.

Is there a prevention possible?

It is limited, ADHD is mainly caused by a malfunction genetics. But a varied diet, non-toxic, a rigorous lifestyle (sleep), a careful and safe home environment can reduce the severity of the disorder and its impact on children with ADHD. It also reduces the consequences in adulthood of this disease.

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