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Maternity Protects Breast Cancer

Fetal cells have a protective effect.

Women who have had children may develop less risk of breast cancer with fetal cells that take up residence in the body of the mother (the principle of chimerism) and have a protective effect, says a study by the Center research against cancer at the University of Washington in Seattle.

The study showed that 14% of women who had breast cancer had male DNA in the blood against 43% of women who did not have cancer. "So many women are carriers of micro-chimerism after birth that I wondered why nature had done things well." "Maybe this is just to rid the body of cancer cells. The other possibility is that (chimerism) may participate in the reconstruction of tissues, "he said. The study was published in the October of Cancer Research.

A baby against breast cancer!
Especially among women at risk and after 40 years
You have a risk of breast cancer in the family? Make babies! This is implied by a study conducted by researchers at the Institut Curie, who showed that each term pregnancy can reduce the risk of breast cancer, particularly among women at risk and after 40 years. Previous work among women in general showed that factors that reduce the risk of breast cancer are having more children, young first pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, researchers are interested this time women genetically predisposed (carrying the BRCA BRCA 1 AND 2).

The study showed that each toddler after 40 years was 14% lower threat of developing a breast tumor. This provided; however, that this is not their first child. The age of primary pregnancy also appears to play a role. In BRCA 1, having the initial child in the thirties, as well reduces the risk. In BRCA 2, have the principal child in their twenties increases the risk. However, in two, more children after forty years were automatically lower risk (BRCA 1 and BRCA 2).

The mechanism involved is not clear, but it is certainly the effect of several hormones related to pregnancy. There to encourage women predisposed to multiply late pregnancy, there is, nevertheless, a big step! For a pregnancy after 40 years is not easy. In addition, fertility decreases with age, and it becomes difficult to start a pregnancy.

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