The aorta is the main artery to the body, and it conducts the flow of blood away from the heart. When the heart contracts, blood is pumped out into the aorta. When the heart has withdrawn completely, close the connection between the aorta and the heart of the so-called aortic valve closes. This prevents blood from flowing back to the heart. The flap acting as a check valve, i.e. it only emits blood through one-way. If this valve is not working properly, the leakage of blood back to the heart from the aorta. This is called aortic insufficiency (insufficiency = inadequate), or insufficient aortaklaff.
What is the cause of aortic insufficiency?
The bad valve function may be due to inherent weaknesses in the flap, or disease processes in the valve or surrounding areas. Rheumatic fever can increase the chance of getting aortic insufficiency, often many years later. High blood pressure is also a risk factor for aortic insufficiency. If you have marfan syndrome or rheumatic diseases like arthritis, ankylosing or Reiter's disease, you are more likely than others to have aortic insufficiency. In some cases, bacterial infection as the flap cause of aortic insufficiency.
What consequences does it have?
The consequence of aortic insufficiency is a heart with less performance. Because of the leak back to the heart the heart must pump a portion of the blood again to get it out of the body (two steps forward, one back). It is an extra burden upon the heart and can cause heart to eventually have trouble pumping enough blood to meet the different organ's oxygen requirements.
What are the symptoms?
At an early stage makes one usually nothing. The heart has a great ability to increase its efforts so that it may be many years before symptoms arise. The first symptoms usually breathe becomes heavier, particularly on exertion. The body's oxygen demand increases during exercise, and the heart can cause problems to pump enough blood. Palpitation, that is an uncomfortable feeling that the heart beats extra powerful, is another fairly common symptom. Chest pain can also occur if the blood supply for the heart becomes too small.
How diagnosed?
The leakage of blood back to the heart, producing a characteristic noise that the doctor can hear when listening through the stethoscope. If the doctor hears this sound, he may refer you to a cardiologist for an established diagnosis with certainty. Cardiologist would then perform an ultrasound examination of the heart, and following diagnosis with almost 100% certainty. Ultrasound examination is a completely safe and painless examination. The doctor places the ultrasound transmitter / receiver ("probe") on top of your chest, and can see a blood flow in the heart on a computer screen.
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