If you have high blood pressure, exercise is an effective way to lower blood pressure.
Remember to follow these simple precautions.
Focus on fitness training involving the major muscle groups. To achieve an effective lowering of blood pressure, you should exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, three to seven days a week. It is best if you can train every day.
If you exercise at an intensity of 40 to 70 percent above the maximum, this seems to be as effective as training with higher intensity for lowering blood pressure.
Remember to step down
Strength training should be combined with cardiovascular exercise. Use a lower resistance and more repetitions than is recommended for other groups. The goal should be to clear 15 to 20 repetitions per set.
When you strength train, you should be careful to perform the exercise correctly and focus on proper breathing technique. Breathe in and out. Do not clench your mouth so that the pressure on the ears and the chest rises, as it in some may cause dizziness.
Beta-blockers can reduce the heart's normal response to increase physical stress and may reduce exercise capacity. Other medications can interfere with temperature regulation. Therefore, you should cool down slowly after exercise to avoid low blood pressure.
If you use beta-blockers, you should discuss drug choice with your doctor. New information shows that beta-blockers seems worse than most other antihypertensive agents, and they have adverse side effects for you as a coach and are sexually active. Some, however, use beta blockers because they have other underlying conditions, in which beta blockers are the appropriate treatment.
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