Normal retinal
Damage to the treatment need of high blood pressure ( hypertension ) manifests itself as changes in small blood vessels, called arterioles, in the retina. It usually takes many years before one can detect changes on the retina. The lack of treatment can present blood vessel changes abruptly with visual disturbances. The condition is not rare among patients with the highest blood pressure.
What causes eye damage in hypertension?
The high blood pressure causes the small blood vessels in the retina is exposed to pressure and wear. Atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, develops faster in those with high blood pressure compared with those with normal blood pressure. Blood vessels become more sinuous and narrower. Like the blood vessels elsewhere in the body, these blood vessels rupture and bleed it from them. However, it could also be that the arteries clog up again in that small blood clots blocking the vessel. These areas on the retina that has been subject to bleeding or blood clots are permanently destroyed. The more extensive the damage is, the worse the vision.
The risk of developing atherosclerosis increases if you also smoke, have high lipids, diabetes mellitus has typed 1 or type 2 (diabetes), or genetic predisposition to such diseases.
How is the diagnosis?
The condition can be diagnosed in two different situations: As part of routine checks and in conjunction with acute visual loss occurred. An important part of routine monitoring of patients with long-standing high blood pressure, regular eye checks on the bottom. Using an instrument (ophthalmoscope), your doctor may light in the eye and study the eye grounds. If there are incipient eye injuries, these cans in many cases are detected.
The second situation is the acute loss of vision occurred. In such cases, it is important for the doctor to find out that you have high blood pressure sometimes these situations, after many years of high blood pressure, sometimes in conjunction with brief episodes of very high blood pressure.
Detection of these eye injuries involves the treatment and follow-up of an ophthalmologist. In some cases, it may also be appropriate to add into the Dept. of International collaboration in a hospital, among other things, to examine blood flow using contrast studies.
How is the condition?
The treatment is intended to avoid damage due to the high blood pressure most importantly, stringent treatment of blood pressure.
Important preventive measures include smoking cessation, exercise, a healthy diet and weight loss. As a rule, it means higher doses of blood pressure medicine, or the use of several types of antihypertensive drugs.
At the hospital, it may also be appropriate to treat the changes in the retina with a laser to limit the damage.
What is the prognosis?
Untreated, the condition is severe and can result in blindness. Retinal changes may also be a sign that there is a risk of other complications of high blood pressure, stroke, kidney damage, heart attack, etc.
Early detection of changes in the retina and the intensification of therapy reduces the risk of eye damage significantly while reducing the risk of other complications of calcification in blood vessels.
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