Which organ damage gives the high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is typically not an acute condition. You can usually go several years before problems arise, but if the condition is not detected and treated, it will eventually cause permanent damage (complications) in the blood vessel system. Such damage can occur in various organs, but most commonly affected are the heart, kidneys, lungs and brain.
Heart Failure
It is the heart that must create the high pressure by pulling sharply along with every punch. This is a significant extra work, which over time can cause an enlarged heart. As the heart grows, the function is poorer and poorer. Finally, it may cause heart failure, a condition in which the heart fails to pump enough blood to the body. The blood accumulates in the lungs, resulting in water in the lungs. The symptom of heart failure is breathing difficulty, fatigue and weakness, palpitations and poor appetite.
Persistent high pressure in blood vessels in itself damage to men's walls. In addition, high blood pressure, a major cause of calcium deposits ( atherosclerosis ) in blood vessels. Atherosclerosis provide narrowing of blood vessels and reduced blood flow. The result is that the body's tissues and organs are not getting enough oxygen. This can cause angina pectoris ("angina") and heart attacks. Narrowing of blood vessels can also cause problems elsewhere in the body, including poor stamina, impotence and dementia.
Angina pectoris
When angina feels a twinge, snow sensation in the chest, often radiating to the left arm. The burden of angina is short term (less than 15-20 minutes). Angina occurs most sometimes during exercise and gives up the rest.
Heart attack
At the heart gets muscle cells in the heart so little oxygen that they die. Heart attacks typically provide powerful, end line, or squeezing chest pain, often radiating to an arm or jaw. The pain is long-lasting and usually relieved by rest. In addition, there is sometimes nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulty, anxiety and agitation.
Hypertension also increases the risk of stroke. Strokes caused by blood vessels in the brain either becomes clogged or starts to bleed. Symptoms vary depending on where in the brain this happens, and how large an area is affected. Some are temporary drowsiness; some lose the power of arms and legs, while others may lose speech. Large stroke can cause unconsciousness and coma, and can be life threatening.
Kidney Diseases
Hypertension and atherosclerosis can also cause damage to the kidneys. Such kidney damage can sometimes cause kidney failure, a serious condition that requires intensive treatment or transplant. Kidney failure can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, low blood count, itching, weight loss, nausea and vomiting.
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