There is no specific diet for people who have high blood pressure. In principle, you can eat all the food. However, you should eat more of what we would consider to be healthy everyday, and less fat, sugar and salt.
Health effects are without having to change dramatically in your diet. Do not be so focused on everything you cannot eat, try to think about all the possibilities you have to eat tasty and exciting food!
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Virtually, all the food we eat consists of a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Fat contains twice as many calories as both proteins and carbohydrates. Are you overweight, it is especially important to be careful with the amount of fat? There is also a difference in fat, which can be healthy as you should limit the other types.
Regular meals
Do you eat often, but little? Or do you eat rarely, but a lot? The first is clearly the best. You get a better appetite control by eating regular meals a day 4-5. You do not have fixed meal times, but good advice is not to let it go more than 4-5 hours between each meal. How much should you eat? This will vary greatly depending on your weight and how much you are active. A good advice is to eat until you are sure full.
Advice about food
Eat less fat, especially saturated fat. A high intake of saturated fat contributes to increased cholesterol in the blood, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Do you eat unsaturated fats instead? It can counteract high cholesterol in the blood and reduce blood pressure?
- Unsaturated fats can be found, for example, in fish, especially fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines and herring. Fish can eat both dinner and order.
- Use vegetable oils and soft margarines for cooking. These contain a high unsaturated fat. However, remember also that there is as many calories in total fat, whether it comes from butter, margarine or oil.
- Eat fewer fatty meat products like sausages, bacon, salami, pate and sausage patties.
- Choose lean meats and poultry. All kinds of meat from animals such as pigs and cattle, where visible fat has been removed is lean, it also applies to beef. All meat from the bird is lean. In many shops are now several kinds of meat with low fat content, turkey sausages, lean turkey liver pate and spreads. Other toppings are lean ham and banking meat.
- Use fewer fat dairy products like whole milk and cream. Fat cheeses with more than 27% fat should also be careful the same goes for ice cream.
- Choose lean and half fat milk products: skim milk, extra-fat milk and low-fat milk, lean and half fat cheeses. If you buy yogurt, then select the types of low-fat and sugar.
- Watch out for "hidden fat" in chocolate, snacks, cakes, biscuits, desserts and ice cream.
- Beans and lentils are high in fiber and other nutrients. They can use in salads, or you can use them in addition to or as a substitute for meat or fish dinners.
- Coarse bread and coarse bread, crackers, cereal, oatmeal and other whole-grain porridge of flour are fiber-rich foods.
Over half of the salt in our food comes from industrially produced full-and semi-finished food products. The rest of the salt we consume, we add during cooking and the use of the salt bank. Salt in food is a habit. Are you accustomed to plenty salty? The food may taste boring in the beginning when you cut down on salt? However, it only takes a few weeks before your taste buds get used to it.
Make most of the food yourself from fresh ingredients. Virtually, all prepared foods are high in salt; it is especially salted and dried foods such as cured meats, sausages, Pickled herring, smoked salmon / trout, dried and smoked meat and fish products. Furthermore, finished dishes in cans and bags and ready-made frozen dinners are high in salt, including finished pizza. Chips and snacks, soup, spice mixtures and many types of cheese are as well rich in salt.
- Use fresh or dried herbs in cooking instead of salt.
- Use oil instead of salty margarine / butter.
- Use mineral salt and potassium salt as a salt substitute
- behind the bread. The bread you buy in the store is high in salt.
- Avoid chips, chips, salted peanuts, etc.
- Avoid beverages that are high in salt, such as soup and soda.
Eat less sugary foods and drinks. Sugar contains a lot of energy. Do you eat much sugar? You will easily gain weight? However, sugar in moderation is not considered particularly dangerous for blood pressure patients.
The exception is if you have a tendency to diabetes - then you should be careful with the sweet.
- Sweets like chocolates, cakes, ice cream, sweet biscuits and jam, you should not eat much of.
- Cut down on regular sweetened soft drinks and juice.
- Many cereals and yogurts are added lots of sugar. There are also such products with low sugar. Choose them.
A few tips:
Make like a shopping list and make a major purchase in the week rather than many small ones. This gives you more control over what you eat and avoid impulse purchases.
If you wonder how much is of different ingredients in a food, it might be nice to know that the ingredients are always set up in descending order. This means that the ingredient is most are listed first. If, for example, fat, salt or sugar is built in the list, you may want to consider alternative products.
Choose lightweight products. These contain less fat or sugar.
Here is some advice on how to use less fat or fatter in cooking:
- Instead of frying your food, you cook, microwave or use ovnsbake
- Use a frying pan with Teflon coating on the bottom, then you need less fat.
- Choose gravy, regular white and brown sauces instead of melted butter or margarine
- Choose oil dressings instead of remoulade, sour cream and mayonnaise dressings
Many people who have high blood pressure are overweight, and there is often a contributing factor to the disease. Obesity is almost always that you eat foods with more calories than you use.
If you are overweight, it will be beneficial to a few pounds of weight. If you successfully lose weight, you must be motivated to change their habits. However, this does not mean you have to eat slightly. If you eat lots of fish, vegetables, fruit, bread and potatoes, you can still eat a lot of foods because these foods provide calories and little fat.
Read the tips below and think carefully about how you will proceed to the success of changing food and activity habits.
- Take the time to help. A weight loss of 1-3 kg a month is recommended. You do not have to go down to normal weight for it to be effective.
- Familiarize yourself with your eating habits
- Start your day with breakfast. We are not you hungry, so bring your breakfast sandwiches at work.
- Let bread, potatoes, fish, fruits and vegetables have a lot of space in your diet.
- Try to eat regular meals and eat several small meals rather than few large.
- Drink a glass of water before each meal
- Add to your shopping trip after you have eaten, and write down in advance what you need.
- Physical activity helps you lose weight.
- Locate the food and activity habits that you can live well even after you have achieved your desired weight.
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