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Angina Pectoris Condition Occurs

How is your condition?
The aim of treatment is to relieve pain and prevent heart attacks. When the heart artery blockage completely the part of the heart muscle which lose blood supply, die and be replaced by fibrous tissue that lacks the ability to work as a pump muscle - the heart is, in other words, permanently weakened to a greater or lesser degree.

Specific Treatment
There are several things you can make.

Reduce intake of fat
Try to maintain or increase your physical activity, but avoid heavy physical exertion, especially in cold weather.

If you stop smoking, it is just as beneficial as using preventative medications.

There is a great variety of drugs that can be used in angina pectoris:

Nitroglycerin that melted under your tongue, relieve or remove the pain within a few minutes at the blood vessels. The drug is harmless even if you can get the bothersome headache after tablet intake in the first days. You should take nitroglycerin to attack is completely over, even if it results in a need to take lots of tablets without a break. Nitroglycerin is also a slow-acting tablet form to prevent seizure.

Beta-blockers reduce the cardiac need for oxygen, and protect against the too rapid pulse. Beta blockers inhibit the angina. As an alternative to beta blockers, one can use a type of medications called calcium-channel blockers.

Aspirin is recommended for anyone with angina; it decreases the risk of developing a heart attack in that thin the blood.

Cholesterol-lowering medication ( statins ) is also recommended for most people with angina. They reduce the risk of developing a heart attack by slowing the development of atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis) and thereby prevent the formation of blood clots.

If you are not going to target with medication and preventive measures, the relevant operation. By " bypass surgery "uses a vein from the leg or an artery in an excess chest cavity to create a new road past the tight spot the PCI technique Mon sticking a thin tube (catheter) into a blood vessel in the groin or the wrist. This catheter entered the heart blood vessels (coronary arteries). A balloon at the end of the hose is inflated when it is in the stricture. In this way, one can block the narrow blood vessels. It is also customary to insert a "reinforcement" ("stent") in the artery to keep it open.

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