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Nurse's competence

Knowledge of general principles and rights is essential for effective and responsible work as a nurse. A person following a profession of nurse should know their obligations and rights and to know what is responsible. He or she must be aware of the consequences, which may be put, in excess of his professional competence.

The first piece of legislation normalizing the situation of nurses, nursing was the Act of February 21, 1935, within the meaning of Article 1 of the exercise consisted of nursing: nurturing patients in institutions and private homes, carrying out medical orders, work in medical facilities, institutions, prevention, care facilities, social institutions, schools, factories and private homes in the dissemination of general and personal hygiene, combating the epidemic and disease prevention.

The Act stipulated to obtain a license to practice nursing, which was associated with the fulfillment of certain conditions. By the Minister of Social Welfare of 17 March 1936, registered nurses conducted the place of residence nurse provincial government general administration. Article 3 of Regulation exchanged the documents necessary for registration: proof of citizenship, certificate of completion of nursing school, a medical certificate of health, and biography.

Amendments to the pre-war regulations introduced by the Act of 14 June 1960 a transitional mode, obtaining the right nursing. It enabled the profession to those who have already been taught in the field of nursing activities (nursing assistant). These provisions apply to the entry into force of the Act on professions of nurse and midwife from 5 July 1996.

Professionalization of nursing
In the social sciences as a "profession" refers to those jobs that require long-term preparation, usually a university degree, and sometimes vocational placement. Professions are created for a specific purpose in nursing is the maintenance of health.

registered nurses competency standards

The creation of nursing as a profession started a process of professionalization.
Here are the basic attributes that characterize the profession of nursing as: * the principle of a license, or obtain the professional title of nurse, * together in a professional self-government (a member of the Regional Chamber of Nurses and Midwives is a condition of obtaining a license to practice), * have a code of ethics (Code of Professional Ethics nurses and midwives), * to provide education at university level, enabling the acquisition of high competence and their improvement (after Poznan S., nursing and its essence. In: Fundamentals of nursing. T. I, ed. head, Lublin 2004). Professionalism sets a high standard of service; however, professionalization is a process in which a group of professionals must strive to deepen their knowledge.

In relation to nursing is essential to the term "care," defined by the dictionary as a caring, caring about someone, help, care, babysitting. Helping by Halina Radlinski refers to the exploitation of individuals to strengthen their forces and in difficult times (after Zarzycka D.: nursing. In: op. Cit.) Professional care is action taken by the persons entitled to care for another human being, so it is providing assistance in accordance with established standards and procedures based on the latest knowledge in a specific area. Similarly: care of unprofessional persons who had no vested to vocational training.

Care of a professional nurse performs the functions of unions. We are located in the task-oriented care activity, for their own professional development and for nursing. There are responsible for providing care, educational, health promotion, preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation. Contributing to their development and the development of nursing, nurse additionally functions: training, management and scientific research. Features: caring, educational, training, management and scientific research are autonomous in the sense that they are carried out without the help of other professionals in the relationship: the nurse-patient and nurse-occupation.

Internal regulations and general professional
Regulations concerning the nursing profession can be divided into common and internal. Internal legislation is the Code of professional conduct nursing and midwifery (adopted on 9 December 2003). The promise is indicated for the professional duty of care for life and human health and the obligation to systematic improve their skills and knowledge exploration. In the general part of the Code speaks of a conscious and voluntary undertaking of professional activities for the kids, and some specific commands to provide care in accordance with applicable standards, participation in the development of nursing research and continuous education.

A common piece of legislation is primarily the Act on professions of nurse and midwife (of 5 July 1996). It sets out the arrangements for a nurse and midwife. From it, we learn how to achieve professionalism. Another common instrument is the act of self-government of nurses and midwives (from 19 April 1991). It shows that progress in the field of professional care is done by overseeing the implementation of the nursing profession.

Professional competence of nurse
Acquired rights and powers necessary to perform specific actions are called powers, and their scope depends on the degree of education and skills (op.cit.).
In accordance with Article. Four Acts on professions of nurse and midwife practice nurses to provide health care services by a person qualified to be confirmed by relevant documents. Notably, the provision of care, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and health promotion. These benefits consist of specific items:

  • identify the conditions and health needs, 
  • identify nursing problems, nursing care 
  • exercise 
  • Execution of orders in the process of medical diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (i.e., participation in these processes), 
  • a certain extent self-giving benefits of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation, and 
  • health education, understood as the active action to improve the health conscious population.

Nursing profession does the person who teaches nursing profession

  • conducts scientific research in the field of nursing and 
  • directs the professional nurses.

In light of that law is the autonomous nursing profession, that it may take independent action and to provide certain health services (preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation) without a doctor's orders.

The type and extent of these benefits, clarifies the provisions of the Minister of Health. Currently, the ordinance of November 7, 2007 the list is very long. They are divided into those that can perform each nurse with the law profession, and those for which the implementation is necessary to complete the specialized courses. Below is a list of benefits that can perform each nurse.

First Preventive benefits:

  • advising on self-care in the life of illness and disability,
  • providing counseling for adults and children eating healthy
  • Skin and mucous membranes with the use of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies,
  • organization of the isolation of patients with infectious diseases in public places in the community.

Second Diagnostic benefits:

  • performing diagnostic tests for the determination of ketone bodies and glucose in the blood and urine (according to Annex 1 to that regulation),
  • determination of glucose by the meter,
  • performance of pulse oximetry,
  • perform spirometry,
  • Preliminary assessment of the severity of injuries and organizing safe transport of the patient,
  • conducting water balance.

Third Medicinal benefits:

  • determination of the diet in the feeding of the sick assuming existing guidelines,
  • selection and use of different feeding techniques of patients,
  • establishment of the probe into the stomach and gastric decompression,
  • performance of treatments with heat and cold,
  • catheter into the bladder and removal of established catheter
  • flushing of the bladder,
  • treatments with rectal
  • short-term administration of oxygen,
  • performance of inhalation,
  • putting bubbles medical
  • perform cannulation of peripheral veins,
  • ad-hoc modification of fixed-dose short-acting insulin treatment,
  • use of immobilization for fractures and dislocations and to prepare the patient for transport,
  • commissioning patient transport.
4th Rehabilitation benefits:

  • conducting bedside rehabilitation to prevent complications of immobility,
  • operation of motor rehabilitation (planting, erect, and self-learning to walk).

Independent performance of rescue operations is regulated by the nurse in separate legislation (Act of 8 September 2006, the State Emergency Medical Services). Temporarily, in an emergency nurse has the right to independent apply the patient some painkillers, miolityczne, antipyretic, laxative, antidiarrheal, sedative hypnotics, raising blood sugar levels and medicines used in coronary heart failure. The obligation of an independent physician if execution is predicated on the provision of the good patients, determines the proper operation of the therapeutic process and the effectiveness of treatment.

Obtaining professional licenses
The rules for obtaining competencies nurses also clarify the Act on professions of nurse and midwife (of 1996). The nurse obtained qualifications after finishing nursing school. The arrangements for implementing this requirement amounted to in later years, and today is at least six-semester, including a minimum of 4600-hour practical training (at least half the size) and theoretical (at least a third of the dimension).

School of Nursing is conducting a uniform higher education or post-Masters and universities conducting technical studies, giving a bachelor's degree in nursing, which meet the requirements of educational standards (they must be accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Education).

Standards of nursing education at colleges and universities are regulated unreliable Minister of Health, 15 April 2002, which specifies training program requirements for conducting the teaching staff, teaching facilities, the choice of the place of practice and internal quality assessment system of education.
In accordance with Article. 11 of the Act ZO professions of nurse and midwife must acquire a license to practice, broadcast by the regional council of nurses and midwives. The right to practice as a nurse may apply to a person who:

  • is a citizen or a country outside the EU, 
  • has a diploma from the school of nursing or recognized as equivalent in Poland, 
  • took post-graduate training required (...) in accordance with EU guidelines 
  • has full legal capacity, 
  • her health condition allows them to practice.

Central Register of Nurses and Midwives conducted by the Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, based in Warsaw. Entry to the person concerned receives a written request (details on the data needed for registration article 11a of the Act on professions). Registered nurse is a mandatory member of the Central District Chamber of right for the place of practice.

Regulate the functioning of the registry three Ministry of Health:

  • on the procedure for finding the right practice as a nurse and midwife and how to keep a register of nurses and midwives register (1992) 
  • on the register of the register of nurses and midwives (2005); 
  • on the Central Registry of Nurses and Midwives (2005).

The development of professional competence
The nurse is obliged to extend their competence through professional development, says the Act on professions of nurse and midwife in Article 10b. With improvement, she gained a qualification in it to perform specific actions. Specialized in training (referred to in the Law specialization), qualification courses, specialist courses, development courses to different forms of training.

Ministry of Health of 29 October 2003 sets out the field (there are 22), which can be carried out, specialization, and the list of Training and courses will be posted on the websites of the regional chambers. Opportunities to broaden their professional qualifications also offer postgraduate courses on related subjects, and doctoral studies.

The extension by the legislature within the competence of nurses tends to increase the autonomy of the professions to care for patients. This fact means more responsibility for the actions of patients. Knowledge of rights and obligations arising from instruments is an important element of the profession of nursing. It allows her to the responsible exercise of the profession, whose being to care for another human being.

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