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The position of PTP on the prevention of nursing personnel exposure to biological agents

Nurses Association represents over 5,000 nurses and is the independent voice of the profession. PTP's mission is to promote the interests, status and profession of nursing practice in the EU.

Injuries caused by medical sharp's needle-stick injuries and potential risk of severe infections are a major medical problem and the risk of health safety of health workers across the EU.

The risk of injury may be a significant factor in career development, as well as stress, illness and absenteeism, and the result of inadequate equipment and personnel in the equipment of insufficient human resources in the medical professions.

Inadequate stocking to make a medical act, performed quickly, but correctly, they are more exposed to the danger of error due to infection and as a result of both the patient and medical personnel, including, first of all, nurses.

Injuries caused by sharp objects most frequently involved nurses. Other health-care workers and support staff such as cleaners, they are also at risk.

Medical equipment carries the threat of outside health care. The most commonly used equipment is needles, used to heal, are also used in alternative medicine. This creates an additional danger to the public.

Agreement and HOSPEEM EPSU (European organizations, hospital staff and health care), signed June 9, 2009 imposes an obligation on member states to implement the appropriate proceedings to secure medical personnel from exposure to biological agents.

According to data from Eucomed (European Medical Technology Manufacturers Association) each year comes to stab 12-30 of 100 hospital beds... However, this means that 60-80% of incidents are not reported. If there is a contaminated needle injury, the risk of transmission of infection is as follows:

With hepatitis B and C will be infected with one to 30 employees, and with HIV - one on 300th. Moreover, it is stated:

  • 1 million random stab in the EU every year,
  • 236 thousand. in the USA 
  • 100 thousand. in the UK
  • 50 thousand. Stab cases lead to infection,
  • 4.1 million patients in the EU suffer from infections related to exposure to health care.

In the years 2010-2015 is expected to increase by 200% of cases. Costs of treating infections caused by blood infection from an injury to 1 million USD, and if the infection does not occur - $ 3,000, while the cost of prevention is estimated at $ 0.28.

Needle-stick injuries can also cause psychological problems resulting from an extended diagnostic procedure, which must be done in the case of diseases with serious consequences for the nursing staff.

We call on relevant institutions in Poland to ensure the safety of health workers and the implementation of the Directive 2000/54/UE. These are activities, which consist of:

  • Better information and education of health professionals in relation to the risk of exposure, methods of prevention and effective reporting of incidents,
  • Safe practice staff and provide effective assistance in the event of injury,
  • "Safe puncture technology," especially for risky medical procedures,
  • The use of safety equipment before stabs, such as a cannula into a peripheral vein Safety.

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