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Nursing care plans for hyper parathyroid

An enlarged parathyroid gland: microcirculatory activation type I associated, and lag phase of gastric aspecific reflex local 8 sec.

Activation microcirculatories associated, type I, bone, intestine and kidney.
Preconditioning semeiotic biophysical pathological

The Semiotics Biophysics allows the physician to recognize the "real risk" of disease of the parathyroid glands, as occurs for other glands: the healthy, the latency of the parathyroid-gastric aspecific reflex is 8 sec. with a duration of <4 sec. In addition, the biophysical semeiotic preconditioning (= after an interval of 5 sec. Exact), the physician proceeds with a second evaluation of the same parameters) is physiological: in practice, the latency time rises.

On the contrary, in the presence of "real risk" located in a gland, for example, the latency time is? 8 sec., But the duration appears pathologically prolonged, Indicandochiaramente impairment of Microcirculatory Functional Reserve, according to the theory of Angiobiopatia.

Finally, the preconditioning biophysical semeiotic is significantly pathological: the latency time or is not changed or has deteriorated, falling to a value lower than the baseline, in a reverse report against the severity of the disease.

Talk to Conclusion.

Thanks to Semiotics Biophysics, now common physical examination should include assessment of parathyroid function. In fact, the doctor may investigate the current function of the parathyroid glands in a quick, easy and reliable, as explained above. Furthermore, it is possible to recognize an abnormal parathyroid clinically, may be asymptomatic or early stage, ie, the "real risk" before the appearance of any clinical symptoms.
Notoriously, the major disease of a parathyroid glands is overactive, where too many parathyroid hormone is secreted. This pathological situation is called hyper-parathyroid ism, characterized by inadequate behavior of one or more glands, with excessive production of the hormone in respect of serum calcium.

In other words, the glands (a) continue to produce large quantities of parathyroid hormone even though the blood level of calcium is normal, and they work at all should not: It Pulsed hormone secretion.
The most frequent cause of the hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone is the development of a benevolent tumor in one of the parathyroid glands: this pathological situation is defined as adenoma, which represents 96 percent of all patients in hyperparathyroidism. Such a condition indicates the presence of a benign tumor in at least a gland, which secretes all the hormone, while the other glands' parathyroid is small and respond in an appropriate manner to high levels of serum calcium ceasing their activity. From the point of view biophysical semeiotic adenoma, shows the characteristic microcirculatory activation type, I, associated, while the other three glands have the framework of the decommissioning microcirculatory. The parathyroid gland functioning in an excessive and out of any physiological control basically is never liable to cancerous degeneration (less than one in 2500), especially if the subject is negative for Oncological Terrain! However, it causes the severe damage body slowly due to the abnormal level of calcium in the blood that damages a large number of tissues. Its size, generally similar to a pea, can reach those of a nut.

Approximately, 3-4% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism show an enlargement of all four parathyroid glands: this is called hyperplasia. In this situation, in which all the glands are increased in volume is produced a large amount of hormones. This pathological form is not common but similar tissue damage. This is a situation easily recognized by the numerous sign's bedside biophysical semeiotic illustrated above. Moreover, in case of cancer parathyroid the doctor can diagnose based on the characteristic signs, described elsewhere.

Iperparatiroidi Although many claim to feel good at the time of diagnosis (= personal experience), most of these patients recognize that they feel better after the resolution of the problem, especially after a few weeks after surgery. In fact, many patients say that, although not sick because they were considered asymptomatic after treatment sleeps more than, are less irritable, and they admit remembering things best than they did in precedence, when the serum calcium level was high (problems affecting the system nervous).

In some studies, approximately 92% of patients claims to feel better after the removal of the diseased parathyroid gland, even in cases that they felt "bad" before the operation. Patients with persistent high levels of calcium, parathyroid hormone due to overproduction of, complain of bone pain. In more severe cases, the bone can give such an amount of calcium to become weak and brittle (osteoporosis and osteopenia), a particularly serious problem in the elderly. Under these conditions, the bone can be affected by small hemorrhage's causes of local pain other's symptoms of gastric ulcers and pancreatitis of the development of hyperparathyroidism. Levels of calcium in the blood of both organs (peptic ulcers, and pancreatitis) can lead to inflammation and pain, including the number of cells in the stomach and pancreatic canaliculi olapadaradalli, damages.

Another common disease is the onset of kidney stones. The main nephritic function, in fact, is to filter and retain the chemical properties of blood, for which, in front of a high and persistent serum calcium, a large amount of the mineral is filtered by the glomeruli, accumulate harmfully in the renal tubules in the hesitating calculosis kidney.

In fact, clinically recognized since the very early stages, endocrinopathies, such as primary diseases of the thyroid, paratioroidi, pineal gland, gonads and adrenal glands, is a major health problem in all societies, so new methods clinical effective in the evaluation of these diseases at the bedside represent serious advances.
In conclusion, Semeiotics Biophysics allows physicians to recognize functional abnormalities of the parathyroid glands, according to the theory of Angiomiopatia, even though they are asymptomatic in early stages and, like the "real risk." Furthermore, it is possible to ascertain the precise location of the enlarged gland, facilitating both the rational selection of ill individuals, both the diagnosis obtained by semeiotics sophisticated.

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