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Abdominoplasty and Tummy Tuck

Bach tightening - When the stomach has to go ...

Within the spectrum of aesthetic plastic surgery is known as abdominoplasty, also known as abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty to improve known away, the shape of the abdomen in the case of optical distortion.

Underlying this is often a very substantial decrease in the abdominal skin which has formed in too small a scale back. It remains in the case of a so-called fatty apron that overlaps, or hanging, sometimes with skin irritations, such as inflammation associated below the fold of skin or even eczema is.

In abdominoplasty, the remaining skin is removed from the areas like the middle and lower abdomen, in addition, the excess tissue deformed and the unspent fat.

The belly button is removed, and at the appropriate place after the removal from the skin used. Then the remaining skin, and stored their muscles tightened and sutured to the pubic hair line. The operation is only performed without general anesthesia and takes around three hours. The subsequent hospital stay depends on the wound healing and is, accordingly, between two and seven days.

After the operation must be worn for several weeks, a compression garment. There are some risks, such as wound infections, scarring, vascular disorders of the displaced umbilicus, and sensory disorders of the skin. On sports must be renounced for eight to twelve weeks after the surgery.

The benefits of abdominoplasty are primarily in the outer appearance, and in the fact that operated stomach no more fat tissue can form. However, it is very important that in subsequent years, down with drastic weight gain takes place, as this can take place unsightly deformations.

Only in few cases does the health insurance costs for the surgery. Usually, an abdominoplasty is one of the purely cosmetic procedures with no medical relevance. Only in the case of excessive eczema in the skin flap can be performed by expert opinion, your costs. For this, the medical service of health insurance will be contacted.

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