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70 years without food or water - can it be?

Prahlad Jani is an Indian hermit, Yogi as it appears in the book:

The 83-year-old information is more than 70 years of a deity has been enlightened by their own needs and since then no food or drinks to eat.

Power can draw on the divine energy that brings the goddess to him since then through meditation.

Here's a TV report on Prahlad Jani - Posted on Planetopia:

It is not yet clear whether this is the story of a fairy tale book, the Guinness Book of Records or similar acts. Doctors have repeatedly tried to get his "divine mystery" on the track. They used (almost) all registers of modern medicine, such as MRI, pulmonary function, DNA analysis, hormone tests, etc.

The comment of Indian doctors was that he was healthier than many much younger contemporaries. Furthermore, the doctors could not explain why he survived without food. Supposedly, the Yogi in the observation period monitored around the clock and had no chance to "nibble."


The "Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung published an Internet article that the'" miracle man "had been observed over a period of two weeks. A Wikipedia article on "Inedia" (= fast) discussed exactly this issue and the observation conditions. The Wikipedia article says, however, only 10 days, and that physical activity and a slight weight loss, what metabolic Yogi's organism suggests. The activities of this would be a 70-year duration of fasting more than unlikely. The Wikipedia article mentions even without that Prahlad Jani never for 10 days longer than was observed. Moreover, there is no publication of the medical examination results, except the comments of his general condition.

without food or water how long can a person live

Mystic yogis & Co.

Jasmuheen known as Ellen Greve, or Wiley Hira Ratan Manek and Brooks are the most spectacular people who say permanently, fast. Some of them have also subjected to several days of observation. Apparently, some of those named are then a matter of the secret food intake has been caught. Those who were under constant surveillance, have lost weight during that time, which also spoke against a permanent fasting (without the observer).

My opinion: I think 10 days fasting by problems. However, with vegetable juices, water and tea. Pure water fasting and tea-fasting there'sa piece of harder but without food and drink? When I first read the report, I immediately thought of the people who take supposedly only "light food" to be ...

I cannot say that light or70 years of uninterrupted food would be almost impossible - I do not know. However, it could be possible. Two other questions were raised me. First, I would want to permanently refrain from eating or drinking? Answer: No, at this stage I will not. Second, religious leaders like Jesus and Mohammed's food increased - at least it has survived so general ... Whatbring's light food then?

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