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Symptoms and signs of heart attack

Heart attacks occur when an artery or coronary artery becomes blocked by a blood clotting.

Heart attack and heart attack
Possibility of looming heart failure or heart attack has already occurred is a sign, as your treatment, the doctor can prevent or limit the extent of the damage to the heart muscle. A heart attack is a permanent damage to the heart muscle. The dead muscle tissue then replaced by so-called connective tissue. Such cells have the ability to actively tighten. This part of the heart is thus weakened. If the extent of muscle damage is large, the heart could be significantly impaired.

Symptoms and signs of heart attack and heart attack
Heart attack may have been related symptoms and signs. Not everyone who has a heart attack, suffered the same or about the alike level. Many heart attacks are not as exciting as you watch TV or in the movies. For example, heart attack symptoms in women, elderly people and those with diabetes, often less severe than the usual details.

Common symptoms of a threatening or occurring heart attack is chest pain, discomfort, in many cases it feels like a band tightening around your chest. But almost around one third of all women and a quarter of all men who have a heart attack, have no pain. Many people experience only minor pain and nausea, dizziness, malaise, cold sweating. The following symptoms are typical of a heart attack in progress:

  • Chest pain or tightness in the chest that lasts for several minutes. Described as squeezing, pressure end or screwing. Often located just behind the breastbone
  • Often radiation to one or both arms - especially the left - and the neck or jaw. The pain may also be localized only in the neck, jaw, back or upper abdomen
  • The pain is usually strong and not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
  • Nausea and vomiting are common
  • Unexplained shortness of breath, dizziness
  • Unexplained sweating, perceived as "cold sweat"
  • Breast Fire or discomfort from stomach
  • Back pain
  • Anxiety, agitation, drowsiness, lethargy

Other signs of heart attack
A heart attack usually occurs suddenly. It can occur at any time - at work or play, while you rest or while you exert yourself. Many people who experience a heart attack have had warning symptoms for hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest sign of a heart attack is recurrent chest pain triggered by physical exertion and relieved at rest ( angina ).

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