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Angina pectoris, division

Division of angina

Constriction of blood vessels
It is common to divide angina (angina) into what we call "stable" angina pectoris and "unstable" angina pectoris . The latter condition is as the name suggests, a more unstable condition with an increased risk of developing heart attack . A patient with unstable angina should be speedy to examination and treatment in hospital.

A stable angina pectoris is a condition you can live with for many years. Although it is uncomfortable and can impose restrictions on daily life, there is no great risk of developing myocardial infarction, although the risk of heart attack is slightly increased. To keep a stable angina most recommended lifestyle measures (heart proper diet and exercise) and some drugs.

Stable angina
Most people with angina pectoris belongs fortunately this group, and this is usually also what we mean when we talk about angina colloquially. The condition is characterized by the symptoms of angina (pain / chest tightness, wheezing) in certain situations, and they occur so regularly that you can predict that you will get answers in these situations (during cold weather, during physical exertion) . Seizures lasting less than five minutes and they generally resolves at rest or after taking medication (usually nitroglycerin). If rest and nitroglycerin do not get the discomfort to go over, you should call for help.

Unstable angina
This is a worrying condition which means that you have no control over heart disease. Therefore, most people with unstable symptoms referred to or be hospitalized, if possible, to avoid the development of a heart attack.

The symptoms of unstable angina are the same as for stable angina, but typically that plagues the krafigere and more frequent and of longer duration than usual. On initial angina pain, or if pain is unpredictable and also comes in sleep, or if nitroglycerin have not worked, you should contact a healthcare provider as soon as possible. It need not be severe, but this image suggests you should be examined carefully.

Signs that stable angina has become unstable

  • Angina Complaints changes
  • A wake in the night of angina pain
  • Angina Complaints worse than you are used to
  • The episodes of discomfort / pain in chest occurs more frequently and for lighter effort than usual
  • Angina pain lasts longer than usual

You must use more than nitroglycerin what you are used to the fact that an angina attacks should give up, or the pain does not go away with the use of nitroglycerin

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