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Definition of dental caries

Definition of dental caries

Decay is an infection of the tooth, a lesion of the enamel and dentin caused by bacteria in plaque. Plaque is made by bacteria that are home and proliferate.

Risks and consequences of dental caries

The short-term risk is the loss of one or more teeth, sometimes after a pulpitis and abscesses. Untreated dental infections can swarm remote for the dental nerve is connected to the blood circulation and thus to vital organs.

Patients with cardiac abnormality are at risk of overwhelming infection (endocarditis).
Athletes risk of joint and muscle problems. There is a risk of miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Caries of deciduous teeth may contaminate underlying permanent teeth. Untreated dental infections also cause sinusitis.

Causes and origins of decay

Dental enamel is colonized by hundreds of bacterial species, the biofilm of dental plaque. In the absence of regular brushing, the plaque continues to grow while the bacteria in the biofilm using the sugar provided in the diet for drilling the tooth.

If they cross the barrier of enamel, dentin and reach the nerve enters the tooth decay is deep and reaches the stage of pulpitis: an acute inflammation of the dental pulp resulting in unbearable pain. A deep cavity not treated can develop into an abscess.

Symptoms and signs of tooth decay

Untreated caries develops until the dentin (calcified tissue covered by enamel), sensitive to caries and placed in contact with the dental nerve, consisting of connective tissue and nervous filaments. In case of infringement, the vessels swell and compress the nerve fiber and cause pressure on the surrounding tissues, resulting in pain.

Scale deposition is an aggravating factor: it is calcified plaque, produced from food waste in saliva. In the absence of regular brushing, it hardens and turns into limestone matrix infected, which intensifies the inflammatory process induced by bacterial infection.

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