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Sweeteners: definition

Sweeteners Food

Sweeteners or "fake sugars" are substances sweetness, but does not provide the calories of sugar.
Sweeteners are consumed most often in the form of sweeteners or additives in beverages introduced "light", confectionery, desserts, chocolates, ice cream, slimming ...

There are two types of sweetener:

- Intense sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose) that provide little or no calories;
- Polyols (sorbitol, isomalt, xylitol, maltitol, mannitol) that provide two times less calories than sugar.

Sweeteners and cons-indications

There is a cons-indication for aspartame (combination of two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine) is phenylketonuria, a rare genetic disease detected at birth.
This cons-indication is linked to phenylalanine (its presence is always mentioned on the label of products that contain aspartame).
Sweeteners are not recommended for children under 3 years.
The acceptable daily intake (ADI) is set sweeteners:
- For aspartame at 40 mg / kg body weight per day (knowing that the average adult is 0.05 to 0.4 mg / kg / day);
- For sucralose: 15 mg / kg / day;
- For saccharin: 5 mg / kg / day.

Usefulness of sweeteners

Sweeteners are interesting:

- To limit the consumption of sugars (which provide only empty calories, that is to say without any nutrient) as part of a diet because they reduce caloric intake;
- Diabetics, they offer an alternative to simple carbohydrates (sugars which pass rapidly into the blood and make blood sugar rise) allowing to enjoy the sweet taste without affecting blood glucose;
- The prevention of caries by reducing the consumption of sugar.

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