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Hair loss: Operation

Hair loss: Operation

Hair loss is inevitable because human hair develops in three phases: the hair cycle.

The anagen phase of growth for 80-90% of the hair lasts 2-6 years.

The catagen phase (during which the hair stops growing) takes about 2 weeks for 0-2% of the hair.

Finally, the telogen phase (hair death remains attached to the scalp before falling) for 10 to 20% of the hair and lasts about 3 months.

The hair cycle is then repeated from the hair bulb: the shoot to regrow through hair loss.

Normally, we lose fifty hair daily, especially at the end of the summer and spring. Beyond 60 hairs per day about talking about hair loss disease.

Why do we lose hair?

In most cases, hair loss is normal as the hair is constantly renewed: hair grow, live, die, fall off and are replaced by young hair.

Certain circumstances disrupt this cycle and cause premature hair loss: rapid or gradual, permanent or temporary, affecting the adult or child, man or woman, all or part of the scalp, revealing a normal or scalp scar ...

Causes and origins of hair loss

Stress, pregnancy, high fever, medications, diets ... can cause temporary hair loss diffuse more or less consistently, which did nothing alarming: it is telogen effluvium.

With age, it is also common to see a thinning of gulfs and / or top of the head in humans: it is common alopecia or male pattern baldness.

Androgenic alopecia is also feminine and results in an overall reduction of hair, especially on the top of the skull.

Although women generally lose their hair to a lesser extent than men, it is estimated between 40 and 50% the rate of postmenopausal women with a degree of baldness androgenetic alopecia.

Cancer chemotherapy or alopecia areata also lead to a diffuse hair loss, but this time the hard way: it is the anagen effluvium.

Finally, hair loss may be localized in certain cases of male androgenic alopecia (tonsure) or dermatitis (alopecia areata, ringworm, lupus erythematosus ...).

How to treat hair loss?

It is necessary to determine their cause to treat effectively.

The telogen effluvium often have an organic cause and sometimes psychological (iron deficiency, menstrual disorders, period following childbirth and / or breastfeeding period, taking medication ...), it often heals without treatment after few months. Young hair gradually replacing dead hair.

Anagen effluvium to chemotherapy can sometimes be minimized by preventive measures. Do not hesitate to talk with your doctor. Dermatoses that cause hair loss specific (alopecia areata, tinea ...) should receive treatment tailored to each case.

As for androgenic alopecia, it can be treated with finasteride and minoxidil for men minoxidil and low dose for most women. You can also turn to surgery, which allows to make hair micrografts performed under local anesthesia. But the high cost of this process and the risk transplants do not hesitate make more than one (e) ...

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