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Definition of Acne


Acne is a very common skin disease characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle (hence the name folliculitis) with oily skin and pimples. Acne develops in spurts and primarily affects adolescents. Some severe forms of acne have a physical and psychological consequences as it is responsible for a social handicap important notoriously difficult age.

Origins of acne
Acne strikes adolescents primarily because more than 70% of them are victims. Acne begins in adolescence and regresses before the age of 20-25 years. Adults and especially women can also suffer under the influence of hormonal factors including: acne is known as late. A hormonal balance is sometimes necessary, seeking an endocrine disease or underlying hormonal.

Causes of acne due to infectin
Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous follicle and produce sebum loaded, fatty skin protector. The main cause of acne is due to an overproduction of sebum under hormonal influence. Sebum accumulates and forms retentional lesions and secondary infection by bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes leads to inflammatory lesions.

Composition of sebum and bacterial skin flora, male hormone levels but also family plot are factors that influence acne.

Acne Prevention

How does this manifest itself on?

Cutaneous manifestations basic acne are blackheads more or less inflammatory.
Comedones correspond to retentional lesions in the pilosebaceous follicles: these are classics blackheads and microcysts ... These lesions can be in the form of inflammatory papules or pustules (yellowish white) superficial or deeper (nodules> 5 mm in the skin).

The skin is oily and acne lesions leave permanent scarring if tampering.

The face is most often affected, and back, neck and thorax can be achieved.

With what should we be confused?

Acne can be caused by a hormone, such as hormonal contraception containing progestogens such as androgenic.

Moreover, in cases of acne in women for signs of hyperandrogenism (hoarseness, excessive hair ...) is strongly suggestive of endocrine disease and medical advice is needed.

Finally, certain medications or products may cause acne, such as cortisone or some epileptics or creams comedogenic.

Other conditions such as rosacea or infectious folliculitis may also be confused with acne.

Is there a prevention possible?

Whatever the form of acne and prescribed treatment, hygiene care are essential with toilet once or twice a day with bread or dermatological gels without soap. Applying a moisturizer should respect acne prone skin.

Some products are camouflage makeup specially designed for acne-prone skin and are non-comedogenic.

If sun exposure, skin protection is recommended (risk of phototoxic reaction of acne medications, risk of pigmentation scars ...).

Finally, the damage should not be handled otherwise cause inflammatory attacks and infections.

Acne Preparing consultation

When to consult?

Acne is often seen as an integral part of adolescence. However, effective treatments exist and can improve the symptoms often not experienced by adolescents. For this, a consultation at the first signs with the physician and / or dermatologist can diagnose acne and propose solutions.

What is the doctor?

The interrogation (family history, advanced ...) and clinical examination of lesions sufficient to make the diagnosis. The doctor will look for clinical signs of hyperandrogenism moving towards a hormonal disease. In this context it may prescribe hormonal blood tests and / or ultrasound of the ovaries, looking for abnormalities suggestive of polycystic ovary syndrome or congenital enzymes.

Drug treatment is usually offered along and uses treatments attack and background as local and / or general depending on the severity of the acne. Of long-term antibiotics are often necessary in the treatment of acne, as well as certain medications such as isotretinoin whose employment is very strict (mandatory contraception and biological monitoring).

How to prepare my next visit?

Individual factors influence positively or negatively acne. Locate them to better prevent future outbreaks. Similarly, certain products are not recommended on acne skin: do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

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