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Antistress supplements

What is a food supplement antistress?
The antistress supplements can call:

  • With vitamins A, C, E;
  • The B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • Some minerals and trace elements (magnesium, manganese, copper ...)
  • Some plants (ginseng, hops, lemon balm, lavender, valerian ...);
  • Certain amino acids (such as tryptophan) and peptides derived from milk;
  • With essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6.

What is the use of dietary supplements antistress?

The antistress supplements may be helpful:

  • During periods of overwork, stress tests or protracted loss promote minerals;
  • In certain nutritional deficiencies (unbalanced diet or diets too restrictive) that result in a loss of energy, with signs of fatigue and stress (irritability, nervousness, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, memory disorders ... ).

What effects can we expect antistress supplements?

Vitamins A, C and E have antioxidant properties say (to fight against oxidative tissue), which play an important role in the defense reactions of the organism. Careful not to take excessive under penalty of an opposite effect.

Vitamin C also has a tonic effect on the body.
B group vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9) involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as well as magnesium and facilitate their proper use by the body.

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on the body. It helps to fight against nervousness, irritability, symptoms of hyperventilation and sleep disorders.

Manganese, copper, selenium and zinc promote resistance to stress.
Ginseng is a physical and mental stimulant. It is not recommended in cases of insomnia.
Hops, orange blossom, lime, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile are herbs that soothe anxiety and help sleep.
Tryptophan (an amino acid) and milk peptides have a beneficial effect on mood and sleep easy.
Pollen, rich in minerals and B vitamins, is invigorating, detoxifying and remineralizing.

Essential fatty acids (rapeseed oil, evening primrose, grapeseed, borage) have a beneficial effect on the nervous and help fight against irritability, anxiety, lack of energy and weariness.

When can I use the antistress supplements?
In case of physical fatigue: combining complementary including vitamin C, vitamin B9, magnesium and iron.
When fatigued with mental fatigue: supplement containing vitamin C, ginseng and minerals like manganese, copper.

When tired point, the early morning: complex of antioxidant vitamins and zinc + selenium.
To fight against stress: magnesium based supplement or wheat germ rich in minerals (including magnesium), vitamin E and B group vitamins or supplement-based essential fatty acids.

In the case of sleep disorders related to a state of anxiety magnesium and / or herbal supplement (hops, passion flower, orange blossom ...) or tryptophan-containing peptides and milk.

What should I be wary?

Be wary of taking joint supplements different which may expose the risk of overdose.

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