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Food allergy symptom checker

Allergies: Symptoms, causes, prevention and holistic solutions more effective

Why are allergies increasing? An allergy is a hereditary disease? What is an allergy? How can we contain this "epidemic" continues to grow? What are the causes of this alarming increase? What are the differences between allergy and intolerance? The answers to these questions and many more still in this in-depth article.

How do you recognize allergy?
The main features are the specificity and speed.

Being due to reaction of a type of antibody the disease manifests itself only in the presence of the substance to which the antibody is directed. Substances of the same type (e.g. pollen) but distinct molecular structure (e.g. pollen of two different families) generate different allergies.

In summary, the person with an allergy to some pollen has no symptoms when in contact with pollen from other families and structurally different.

The allergic reaction is immediate by definition from the moment of contact with the allergenic substance at the time of onset of symptoms elapsing from 5 to 30 minutes (median 15 minutes).

The causes
Allergy is an inherited disease not inherited, however, the specific substance, but the generic preparedness. In other words, a parent can have children allergic to pollen are allergic to dust mites and grandchildren who are allergic to animal hair, and so on.

The factors which promote the occurrence of allergy are varied. Among these we may mention: the 'air pollution (diesel particulates), viral infections in early childhood, the repeated use of antibiotics in infancy, artificial feeding.

Of course, these and other precipitants are not able to give rise to allergies if the person does not have the genetic predisposition.

A recent popular theory Hygiene Hypothesis indicates the excess of hygiene one of the precipitating causes the allergy. It is demonstrated that an excessively "sterilized" is not healthy for your immune system becomes more prone to developing allergies.

Among the various observations support that hypothesis has revealed that children living in rural areas or who have a cat in the house (shown in the first two years of life), the likelihood of allergy is reduced significantly.

Allergies are characterized by an inflammatory response to allergens: local or systemic. Local symptoms are typical:

  • Nose: swelling of the nasal mucosa, sneezing and drain liquid (allergic rhinitis).
  • Eyes: redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis). Almost constantly is a phenomenon accompanying the allergic rhinitis.
  • Lower airways: irritation, broncho constriction, asthma attacks.
  • Skin: allergic dermatitis such as eczema, urticaria, atopic dermatitis (partially) and contact dermatitis.

The systemic allergic response is also called "anaphylaxis": depending on the severity, can cause skin reactions, bronchial constriction, edema, anaphylactic shock with subsequent hypotension, coma and as a last result, death.

The various forms of allergy
The allergies are so many that can hurt us, but we can group them according to this scheme:

  • Food allergies;
  • Hay fever: prevalent in spring and summer;
  • allergies to metals.

Food allergies
Food allergies increasingly common, are related to an immune reaction which results in an increase in IgE antibodies.

The spread of food allergies has received further attention during the past year, with an estimated 2-4% of adults and 6% of children suffer from some type of allergy.

Despite knowing more and more about food allergies and food that cause them, they remain a complex and challenging.

The immune system protects the body from harmful foreign proteins by generating a response to eliminate them. Allergy essentially means "error in the immune system," where a normal harmless substance is perceived as a threat - an allergen, it is attacked by the immune system of our body.

In a true allergic, the immune system to produce antibodies (proteins that bind to particular allergens are removed from the body Disable) response. There are different types of antibodies, but the food is responsible for an allergic reaction is IgE, immunoglobulin E, paragraph) is called.

IgE binds to the allergen causing an allergic reaction. During allergic reactions, IgE causes the release of signaling molecules in the blood, which ultimately determine the onset of symptoms of common food allergies.

These symptoms include skin rashes, nose and sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, itchy lips, coughing and hives, mouth, nausea, cramps, itching, bloating, vomiting and diarrhea.

True allergic reactions occur shortly after eating or after a maximum two-hour lunch, while food intolerance usually takes longer to develop.

An example of food intolerance is lactose, which in some individuals lack the enzyme lattase of digestion, which breaks down the sugar lactose in milk. Lactose is so fragmented by intestinal bacteria producing flatulence, pain and diarrhea.

All foods can potentially cause allergies, but in Europe, are 14 allergens that pose the greatest risk with allergies and are therefore, subject to labeling legislation. These are: peanuts, cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, sulfur dioxide (also called sulfur dioxide and is used as an antioxidant and preservative in dried fruits, wine and preserved potatoes), milk, lupins, shellfish, nuts, peaches, celery seed's celery, mustard, soy, eggs.

The lowest concentration of the allergen can trigger an allergic reaction which is defined threshold. Due to the large differences in threshold values ​​between individuals, it is currently very difficult to identify a universally valid value for establishing the maximum concentration of allergen in a food which, if ingested, it causes an allergic reaction.

Within pedriatico currently no cure for food allergy (except to avoid foods containing the allergens that your child has not yet been able to assimilate).

Some substances, such as sesame oil and peanuts are more allergenic than others. In the adult may be encountered allergies to many products, there are also cross-allergies, such as that of the apple with the birch pollen, might, or rhinitis, which is as well triggered by the shrimp.

In 1993, the American Society of Allergology ACAAI classified in a simple, accurate and allergic reaction to various foods, such as:

  • Reactive food allergies to the food ingested, for example, a rash after eating strawberries or angioadenoma (mucosal swelling) after consumption of shellfish;
  • the pseudoallergie, (ie the enzyme deficiencies): for example, the lack of the enzyme for the protein of the milk (manifests itself in the neonate with vomiting and diarrhea in the first consumption of milk) or enzymes for the digestion of legumes (favism) ;
  • The hypersensitivity reactions that substances present in certain foods (red wine, chocolate, fermented cheese and so on) that release histamine and can cause headaches or other symptoms;
  • toxic reactions or poisoning (mushrooms and various foods), and botulism;
  • intolerance, which occurred in cases where the total suppression of the food determines the disappearance of the symptom or healing.

Hay fever
It is an allergic reaction to pollen and spores that are released from trees, grasses and plants, especially in spring and summer.

The Wind-borne pollen is inhaled through the mouth, nose, or come into contact with the conjunctival mucosa of the eyes. Our immune system can exchange enemies and these molecules to trigger a response so determined mainly by the release of a molecule called histamine.

This molecule implements a variety of defense mechanisms that result in us the classic allergy symptoms: runny nose, watery eyes, itchy palate, sneezing.

Other allergens such as cat hair, rabbit, dog, Guinea pig, horse, or dust mites can cause the same symptoms that persist throughout the year; however, until we are in contact.

Depending on the season will be different pollens that trigger allergy:

  • Spring - tree pollens (disorders usually appear from January to mid-May);
  • Summer - pollen of herbaceous plants (the common cold occurs from May to July);
  • Autumn - mold spores and pollen of weeds (the mushrooms release spores between August and October).

Some useful tips
There are small steps you can take to minimize contact with the spores and pollen, for example: a house keeping doors and windows closed when the amount of pollen is high, do not cut the grass on hot days because promotes the release of pollen, and if you were outdoors when they returned home from a walk, change your clothes and take a shower to reduce the amount of pollen that you brought it home, wash eyes often with cold water, not smoke and avoid environments with people who smoke.

Allergies to metals and chemicals
Allergies of this type occur mainly in respect of the following metals: cobalt, mercury, chromium and nickel. Cobalt is found in cement, in some detergents and lubricants.

The mercury is contained in some cosmetics, dyes, waxes and varnishes, and dental fillings.

Chromium is found in cement, detergents, bleaches in, in soaps, in leather, rust in substances.

The nickel is present in the dyes, especially those based on aniline, used in processing of leather, fur, rubber, but also for the plating of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and can be found in the composition of cosmetics.

Many people may be affected by this type of allergy, those who work in cement or in leather, women who use detergents or cosmetics or jewelry. In addition to metals, including various chemicals can cause allergic or irritant effect:

  • Oxidizing agents such as bleach;
  • dehydrating agents such as alcohol or ether, detergents, soaps.

This type of allergy is more correctly called contact dermatitis and manifests itself in the form of erythema, blisters, desquamation, ulceration of the skin.

The main symptoms are itching and burning and the areas most affected are those set out as the hands, forearms and face. The best advice is to protect yourself by using your hands with rubber gloves, cotton gloves and possibly below. When you are forced to come into contact with these substances, or never use detergents or degrease and soaps very aggressive with respect to bubble up bath and cosmetic contact only manufacturers who use natural ingredients and certifying the absence of metals in the composition of their products.

Some useful tips
First of all, be avoided as much as possible drugs, particularly antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, both extremely detrimental to the integrity of the gastro-enteric barrier. Do not forget that drugs are tools precious when you really need but most often we tend to abuse it, while ignoring the numerous side effects that lead to their recruitment.

Provide as soon as possible to the safe removal of mercury fillings in teeth to prevent the continued slow mercury pollution.

Food Additives
If the majority of people on food additives are not a problem, some people who suffer from specific allergies may be sensitive to particular additives such as sulfites and certain colors, it is therefore, important to care to read the product label.

Although there is no cure for allergies, and can sometimes a desensitization to allergens with "cow," the person providing the allergen in question, gradually increasing the doses favoring the formation of IgG blocking antigen first accession to IgE. This therapy is commonly used only for inhalation allergies.

Effective holistic solutions
The ultimate solution is without a doubt the check-up of quantum bio resonance that detects what has been said and treats disorders rebalancing and returned in a state of being an original.

The test is painless and noninvasive screening can check the status of mental and physical health so effective and advanced to detect latent diseases and imbalances.

Thanks for check ups you can find out in detail the cause or causes of the problem and define a complete profile on the physical or mental condition that, among many other things, detects and treats:

  • Food intolerances and allergies;
  • Nutritional problems;
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites;
  • emotional disturbances, stress, anxiety and trauma;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • state organs;
  • toxicity and much more.

The Nutripuntura: "acupuncture without needles"
With Nutripuntura, we aim to provide that information which is found in the body of every individual immediately from birth and that, for one reason or another, have been lost during the life of each one of us.

Here, then, we do so again to feed the human body by providing a nurturing endocellular precisely, thus providing information that was lost.

The Nutripuntura is composed of 38 information endocellular, or mini-tablets (taken orally and chewing gum according to the sequences set out for two to three times a day), and the task assigned is precisely to provide directly before the deficient, or to a specific field, the electromagnetic information of which the first and necessary to activate or reactivate the natural self.

Their effectiveness, which is as precise as that of acupuncture needles - that's why it's called Nutripuntura - is now for the sectors, and organizations will want to go to support.

The originality of Nutripuntura, which distinguishes from "pathy" or body "therapy" is that its action is not against a symptom or a disease, but is in favor of the current governing body health.

Supporting the flow of a meridian can reinforce at any time an area in need, without having to wait for a warning signal (condition) by the body: it acts proactively to support cellular life.

If the body earlier manifested a disorder, or has already triggered a degenerative process (e.g., ulcer), the approach remains the same, and that is to "feed" the vital currents that have deviated from their natural course, supporting the 'circuits of electromagnetic activity weakened.

Many people have passed problems from food allergies after undergoing the test with the SCIO / Joy Bertha, which has identified the specific sequence of Nutripuntura perfect, and they needed to allow the body to integrate the molecular information to then "refused."

In reality, it is to eliminate factors that cause an intolerance, but to resolve the "conflict" molecular triggers that body.

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