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Carotid sinus syndrome

What is carotid sinus syndrome?
Carotid sinus is a pressure sensor (baroreceptor) located in the major neck arteries (carotid arteries). These pressure sensors play an important role in the control of blood pressure. Changes in tension and the pressure inside the arteries detected by pressure sensors both in the heart, the carotid arteries, the aorta (aortic arch) and other major blood vessels. Reports of pressure conditions are sent as electrical impulses through the nerves to the brain "press center" in the brain stem. The need for adjustment of blood pressure signals sent from the press center of the heart and major arteries in the body. By changing the speed of the heartbeat and adjust the tension in the wall of arteries, corrected blood pressure.

The carotid sinus syndrome working pressure sensors for the poor. They are sensitive and sends signals that the heart has to beat more slowly, and blood pressure must be lowered. This triggers dizziness and possibly fainting.

define Carotid sinus syndrome

The condition is rare before the age of 50 years, but the incidence increases with age and the prevalence of comorbidity in cardiovascular and central nervous system. It occurs more frequently among men. It is probably a diagnosis it is easy to overlook. The condition can be detected in up to 45% of elderly patients with syncope, falls and dizziness.

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