Nurse Professional activities
The nurses carry out their duties in hospitals, public or private health care, in ASL, in private practices, in each and the health services of home care, under the dependency or profession, contributing directly to retraining, to research and prevention.
The areas of operation in contact with the patient / client care processes follow a complex nature.
At diagnosis, the nurse is an active part in the collection of anamnesis, in establishing health conditions and carrying out blood tests or instrumental.
During the treatment, the presence of the nurse is directed to take charge of the assisted through the design of the care plan and proper execution of diagnostic and therapeutic activities. The presence of at least one professional is the constant care unit for acute cases.

In the process of recovery and rehabilitation, working within their own reality, the nurse often produces information material for the dismissal of the sick and provides education in the process of discharge.
Recently, we have developed specialized branches defined post-acute or rehabilitation extensive, where the team sees the path of rehabilitation nursing staff to be the reference, while the doctor is involved as an external consultant.
Within the health care management for nursing coordination functions, the nurse is present at the departmental level, and / or business units as well as personnel management; he takes care of professional updates, monitoring and environmental monitoring. That of the nursing coordinator (former nurse) is an intermediary role between strategic leadership and business professionals, and then ring essential for the proper functioning of the entire system.
Nurses to carry out the functions it uses, where appropriate, through allocation of certain assets of the support staff know the status of OSS (acronym for social health operator). This step is remembered by both the reference standards of the nurse and social health than those relating to the operator. Furthermore, fall on the sick person responsible for the proper management of care.
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