Legal and Forensic Nursing
The nursing legal and forensic is a discipline in development that aims to establish the facts rise to criminal proceedings arising from nursing procedures implemented with imprudence, incompetence or failure to comply with laws and regulations. These investigations are aimed primarily at determining the causal link in the action necessary to relate the behavior of the suspect with the event.
The nurse's legal and forensic fields electives are also:
- the legal, theatrical industry in collaboration with the Medical Examiner ;
- the clinical risk management, for specific skills for drafting projects and consultancy in the design of nursing folders;

- care and management of victims of sexual violence or strupr, similar to what happens, for example, in Anglo-Saxon countries where the victim is followed in its path psychology, psychiatry, obstetrics, and judicial expert nurse team leader;
- and management assistance for victims of child abuse;
- care and management of alcohol addiction and drugs, in collaboration with physicians and institutional service charge;
- legal assistance and trade union colleagues, in collaboration with lawyers, associations, trade unions;
- education and health information, particularly to schools and the prevention of drug abuse.
The purpose dell'AILF are:
- represent my colleagues in institutional settings, so that this figure is recognized and valued in legislation and collective agreements;
- courts to recognize the figure of the Bar, with a specific register CTU;
- give support to students and to those who are interested in the field of forensic nursing;
- offer technical advice in legal and forensic colleagues;
- promote and specialize in the forensic context the figure of sexual violence, this figure in the world as the sole • professional responsible for the management of victims and the collection, preparation and preservation of evidence;
- bring together professionals in this new branch of nursing in Italy to exchange ideas, projects, experiences and professional growth;
- facilitate access to a vast archive of material, even from abroad, especially from the Anglo-Saxon countries.
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