Top 10 American Medical Schools for Research
Best College Rankings basic academic and practical Scores
U.S. News and World Reports in recent times the American Medical Schools ranked by a system of questionnaires sent to administrators on best practices.
The school rankings are based on the collection of two brands of databases: expert opinions about program quality and statistics of the school that result in measurements of the relative quality of the schools' faculty teaching abilities and achievements, research, and student's skills and performance. More than 146 medicinal programs in America were examined in this way. For curative programs, U.S. News and World, report also surveyed professionals who hire fresh graduates in a position to the practical results of medical education and training of the respective employer to see. For this list, published in 2009, analysts used the journal Administration and professional outcome of the survey, average them together and published the resulting lists.
Top 10 American Medical Schools for Research
[1] Harvard University - Boston, Massachusetts
[2] Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, Maryland
[3] University of Pennsylvania - Philadephia
[4] Washington University - St. Louis, Missouri
[5] University of California - San Francisco
[6] TIE: Duke University - Durham, North Carolina in the Research Triangle; Stanford University - California; University of Washington - Seattle, Washington State; Yale University - New Haven, Connecticutt
[7] Columbia University College of Physicians аnd Surgeons - New York
[8] University of California, Los Angeles - David Geffen School of Medicine; University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, College of Osetopathic Medicine
[9] University of Chicago - Pritzker School of Medicine
[10] University of Pittsburg - Pennsylvania
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