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Definition of Stuttering

Definition of stuttering
Stuttering is a speech disorder due to a disruption of the flow of words, their tone and a loss of pace (as to shape and articulate words and sentences).

Stuttering is a symptom, but it can also be a syndrome when it is associated with other disorders (speech delay, coordination problems, schizophrenia, laterality, attention ...).

Risks and health issues of stuttering

About 1% of the population stutters. This handicap affects four males to one female and there especially in children but can persist in the adult. Even if the stuttering is not psychogenic (that is to say, caused by the mere thought, the state of mind), it can have a big impact on the person. This is all the more suffering that stuttering can enter a vicious circle: a constant effort of articulation and concentration to be understood can lead to unintentionally exacerbate stuttering.

Causes of stuttering?

Stuttering has been known for centuries and there are in all languages ​​and in all cultures. The disease usually begins between three and seven years, sometimes sooner, sometimes later than ten or twelve years. In adult onset is rare, except after trauma.

The causes of stuttering are still uncertain and differ according to individuals: they may be constitutional (related to psychomotor skills), but the research is directed in recent years towards genetic causes and the role of dopamine in this disorder.

Stuttering - Prevention

What are the symptoms of stuttering?

Stuttering is characterized by the unusual and repeated hesitations, repetitions and stops inappropriate: the word is not normally fluent with the rhythms and fluidity to his own mother tongue.

With what should we be confused?

It should not be confused with stuttering stuttering, which manifests itself by a word too fast and imprecise, and a lack of articulation which is also guided by voice (singing, reading, etc..), Unlike the stuttering, which then decreases significantly.

Is there a prevention possible?

The best prevention is to consult as soon as possible, to be an active partner in the early reluctance of the child by giving the missing word he stumbles over his words when he built and guide the child in his word.

Stuttering - consulation

When do you consult?

Should be consulted as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. Can be found at the age of 2-3 years, if the stuttering appears that time. This early consultation allows the disappearance of the disease in 80% of cases at 2 years.

Warning, this improvement is inversely proportional to the age at first screening, since only 40% down if you wait 5 years of age to view. The longer it takes, the more likely that stuttering persists is important.

How to prepare for the consultation with the doctor?

Talk with the GP or pediatrician can have a first medical advice. But be careful not to make the common mistake of thinking that stuttering "will pass." The time factor has its importance in the chances of recovery, it is better to consult a specialist just too late.

Consultation with a speech pathologist or speech therapist can accurately assess the persistence of problems and the time elapsed since the first speech difficulties, and treatment preference. This obviously implies consultation motivation of all parents as well as children.

What is the doctor?

A consensus is developing on the diagnosis and how to intervene on stuttering.
It covers early intervention (from 2-3 years), parental guidance, screening for other possible disorders, Lidcombe method and in some cases, of course, speech.
1 - Parental guidance is based on expert advice from the parents of the child stutterer to reduce or eliminate stuttering: avoid harmful attitudes (criticism, mockery ...), but also the false indifference (as if we do not noticed nothing) and guide the child to speak well (meaning him to calm down, to articulate, to speak more slowly ...).

2 - Lidcombe method based on guided exercises an hour a day: play games, chat by taking the child whenever he stutters and keeping in mind the compliment regularly: the ideal is to assign four compliments for remark.

3 - Speech therapy is essential (from 6 years), but it requires a long rehabilitation and it is not always easy to get an appointment with a therapist specializing.

4 - In adults, behavioral therapies have good results and research on the effectiveness of certain medications (dopamine in particular) is affine.

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