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Definition of Bronchiolitis, Prevention and Consultation

Definition of bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis takes its name from the achievement of small bronchi by a common virus (RSV or respiratory syncytial virus) and very contagious. The time favorite winter bronchiolitis is a mode of evolution epidemic. Bronchiolitis mostly affects infants from 1 month to 2 years. As with all viral bronchiolitis can be transmitted easily between infants from a cold child or adult.

Risks and health issues of bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis every winter reaches nearly 460,000 babies from 1 month to 2 years 30% of infants, posing a public health problem, particularly in cases of epidemic peaks with saturation consultations city hospital pediatric emergencies. Trend is an increase in cases each year. community and urban life in foster human transmission of the virus.

Origins and causes of bronchiolitis

RSV is mainly involved in virus bronchiolitis but other viruses can be found. These viruses are transmitted directly from contaminated secretions (saliva, postilions ...) or indirectly by contaminated hands or objects. The incubation period is 2 to 8 days and it takes 3-7 days for the virus disappears completely. Symptoms are related to inflammation and caused obstruction of the airways (bronchioles). The most common case is healing without sequelae but anatomical lesions may occur exceptionally.

Symptoms and signs of bronchiolitis

A simple cold or cough are the first symptoms of bronchiolitis, which turns in a second time to difficulty breathing. This discomfort (even this distress) breathing is also accompanied by a refusal infant feeding. Stage of bronchiolitis, the baby has difficulty breathing, increasing its ventilatory frequency and expiration difficult braked. Bronchiolitis may create a true respiratory distress with symptoms of respiratory control and exhaustion.

Bronchiolitis Prevention

With what must it be confused with bronchiolitis?

Asthma infant can be confused with bronchiolitis because the symptoms are similar. Nevertheless, the underlying infection and rapidly moving epidemic bronchiolitis. Although relapses are frequent bronchiolitis in the first 2 years of life, we can speak of asthma in infants from the third episode obstructive.

Is there a prevention possible?

Simple measures to limit contamination during epidemics. It is therefore necessary to systematically wash hands with soap and water before handling an infant, wearing a mask (available in pharmacies) in case of cold or at least limit the contact (not not kissing babies). places or public contact with people with colds (transport, shops, hospitals ...) are strongly discouraged. Similarly, the exchange of bottles, pacifiers or is covered to prohibit vector for virus transmission. The infant's environment is also important: for example, aerate the room daily.

In cases of bronchiolitis and declared most of the treatments proposed some measures reduce symptoms or prevent the worsening: sleeping baby on her back with a small pillow under the mattress to elevate (head elevated) does not cover too, it give drink regularly wash nose regularly, especially before meals (Kleenex).
Tobacco smoke is harmful and may aggravate the symptoms.

Bronchiolitis Preparing consultation

When to consult?

Once a respiratory discomfort is felt in the infant (or feeding difficulties), it is essential to consult not to arrive at the stage of respiratory distress. If significant deterioration in general condition, cyanosis (blueness of the lips), digestive disorders associated (refusal of food and dehydration> 5% by weight) or fragile terrain (age <6 weeks old premature ...), should be consulted in an emergency.

What is the doctor?

The doctor will confirm the diagnosis clinically by auscultation with a stethoscope.
Wheeze or wheezing may be audible, even from a distance. No further examination is required to initiate the emergency treatment. Latter aims to clutter the airways of infants with respiratory physiotherapy and unclog the nose (saline ). The drugs have a unique place. The physiotherapist plays an essential role in the treatment.
If signs of serious illness, the doctor may need to hospitalize the child, especially to bring him oxygen.

How to prepare my next visit?

The appointment of chest physiotherapy are essential in support between consultations. Signs of deterioration should be identified by parents and motivate a consultation: refusal of food, behavior modification, worsening breathing, fever.

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