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Nutritional balance Tips

Physical activity
Physical activity should be practiced daily to maximize the benefits of nutritional balance. It is advisable to do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking per day and avoid possible easy solutions: take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or take the bike for short trips ...

Nutritional balance in practice

Nutritional recommendations (National Health and Nutrition) are a good nutritional balance while being compatible with the notions of pleasure and conviviality.

Must draw every day in each of the major food groups because all foods are essential for a balanced diet, but their consumption should be limited and preferred for some others.

There is no question of any computing without stopping, because the nutritional balance is not played on a dish, a meal or even a day, but at least a week.

• Eat at least five fruits and vegetables per day: fresh, raw, cooked, canned or frozen, they provide fiber and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) needed by the body. Studies have shown their protective role in the prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, in the fight against overweight ...
• Consume three dairy products per day: yogurt, milk, cheese, focusing on those that are richest in calcium, less fat and less salt.
• Bread and cereal products, potatoes and legumes at every meal focusing on whole grain foods that facilitate regular energy distribution.
• Limit added fats (butter, cream, oil) and choosing the right vegetable oils (olive, canola, walnut, grapeseed, soy, wheat germ) rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6 (protective effect on arteries and cardiovascular diseases).
• Reduce consumption of fatty meat (rich in saturated fatty acids, the excess is harmful to the arteries) in favor of white meat and poultry, fish (at least twice per week) with an emphasis on fatty fish from cold seas rich derivatives of omega-3 (beneficial cardio-vascular) or alternatively eggs (rich in many micronutrients).
• Focus on diet cooking methods (steam, stew, foil, grill ...).
• Limit sugar and sugary foods (sweets, chocolate, cakes) in favor of low glycemic index foods (wholemeal bread, wholegrain cereals, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, legumes, fruits, vegetables).
• Avoid food that is both fat and sugar (cakes, pastries, buns ...), fatty and salty foods (meats, quiches, pizzas, pies ...) providers calories and poor nutritional density.
• Avoid sodas and calorie rich implicated in overweight children, the benefit of mineral waters that drain the body.
• Limit consumption of table salt and salt products (sausages, chips, cakes, snacks ...) and prefer iodized salt.
• Drink water ad libitum.
• Attention to alcohol: Do not exceed more than two glasses of wine per day for women and three glasses for men.

How to choose foods with a tight budget?

• Focus on starchy foods such as staple food. These are sources of cheap energy with little or no undesirable compounds: including wholemeal bread, brown rice, legumes, potatoes. Avoiding refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, crackers, white rice, pasta, semolina ...) depleted nutrients.
• Avoid buying fruit out of season and think of fruits and vegetables frozen or canned are just as nutritional as fresh.
• Use spices, condiments, tomato sauce ... rich in micronutrients.

What should I be wary?

Be wary of salt, including the hidden salt in many foods, especially in cases of hypertension.

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