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Breast Reduction Definition and Practical Information

Breast Reduction

Reduction mammaplasty for hypertrophy: what do we talk about?

The reduction mammaplasty for enlargement (or reduction mammoplasty) reduces the volume of the breasts by removing excess glandular tissue. It is associated with appropriate correction of ptosis (sagging breasts) or an asymmetry between the two breasts (remodeling).

What are the uses (indications) of breast reduction?

Motivations are not only aesthetic (generally after pregnancy or weight loss ... very important). Breast hypertrophy often involves a physical impact, functional pain (back, neck, shoulders, sport delicate clothing problems) and psychological (self-image, eye contact), especially in juvenile breast hypertrophy occurring around puberty. It is reasonable to operate until the end of puberty, approximately 2 years after menarche.

How is the surgery?

Routine preoperative mammography after 35 years or when risk factors for breast cancer.
The anesthesiologist is seen in consultation at the latest 72 hours before the mammaplasty. Tobacco cessation is recommended 2 months before surgery, only one month for oral contraception. Aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or oral anticoagulants were stopped 15 days before to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Always performed under general anesthesia, reduction mammoplasty lasts between 1 hour 30 minutes and 3 hours. The end of surgery, the surgeon fashions a dressing or with bands or with a bra. Swelling (edema) and bruising (bruises) on the breasts, discomfort to the elevation of the arms are quite normal.

The output occurs after 1-3 days, dressing and consultation for 15 days. This is an opportunity to choose a bra ensuring good contention to wear 1-2 months, 24 hours/24. It is reasonable to stop working for a fortnight and not get back to sport before 2 months.

The result is judged at least 1 year after the intervention monitoring period during which the patient consults each quarter.

What are the risks and disadvantages of breast reduction?

Postoperative pain - especially tension on scars - is relieved by simple analgesics (paracetamol, anti-inflammatories, but never aspirin). The evolution of scars is unpredictable, some may expand or become hypertrophic, that is to say in relief. Necrosis of the areola can be total or partial, is favored by smoking.
Thromboembolic events (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism) are rare prevented by stopping the pill last month, wearing stockings, sunrise early or anticoagulant therapy. Antibiotics is usually sufficient to stem a possible infection, but sometimes surgical drainage is required. Nipple sensitivity can be altered, it reappears, usually after 6 to 18 months, but not always. Breastfeeding is a priori not compromised after a breast reduction of average importance, but sometimes discouraged because of the risk of abscesses and skin damage (falling breasts). In fact, it is a personal choice, the only requirement is to wait two years before attempting pregnancy. Reductions in breast significant, the surgeon cuts the plates are located where the areola and nipple, then grafted onto an area where he removed the skin. He then severs the milk ducts that allow the arrival of milk. However sometimes the sensitivity returns, breastfeeding can although absolutely not guaranteed.

What are the time, cost and reimbursement of breast reduction?

This intervention is supported 100% by Social Security if the glandular volume collected is greater than 300 g per breast (or 2 cup sizes less) without prior agreement. The inspection may take place subsequently, the weight of the tissue samples. There may be additional fees of the surgeon about 1500 euros.
Below 300 g reduction, this surgery is not supported: it takes between 3000 and 5000 euros.

Who practice breast reduction?

At the public hospital or private clinic accredited, the surgeon must always have the specialty of "plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic" officially recognized by the Council of the College of Physicians. Other surgeons are qualified to perform cosmetic surgery in the limited context of their anatomical specialization (Maxillofacial Surgery, for example).

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