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Breast Augmentation Practical information

What are the disadvantages and risks of breast augmentation?

When breast implants are placed behind the pectoral muscle, elongation and pressure of this muscle is to cause pain in the chest. They are relieved by simple analgesics (paracetamol, anti-inflammatories) or muscle relaxants but never aspirin.

The "shell" is a reaction of the tissues surrounding the prosthesis, causing a stronger or breasts, appearing more or less rapidly (2 years on average). Fifteen days after surgery, it is necessary to massage the breasts daily to mobilize dentures and get a faster relaxation. It is also a prevention hulls.

The risk of infection is very low, less than 1% of cases. Infection requires a removal of the prosthesis to at least 6 months.

The risk of hematoma is too low (less than 5%).

Massage (stretch mark creams, essential oils ...) can limit "crackling" scar.
Attention to the risk of rupture or deflation: any hardening or, on the contrary, softening of the chest must see a doctor, the sole judge of the necessity of an x-ray or ultrasound.
Pregnancy is not recommended within 2 years after surgery.

What are the time, cost and reimbursement?

This cosmetic surgery is not supported (rate = 0%) Social Security (or by any mutual), hypotrophy outside the breast and congenital malformation syndromes (Poland syndrome, tuberous breasts).

Breast asymmetry can be supported provided that the asymmetry of at least two different sizes bra.
The extra fees are possible and must be signed by a quote or surgeons to perform all or part of the operation: quotations in accordance with Decree No. 2005-777 of 11 July 2005, signed receipt the patient.

Incompressible follows a period of 15 days of reflection necessary informed consent of the patient. There are preset consent forms ready to sign. Some surgeons do copy the text by the patient to ensure proper understanding. Sometimes there is a third informed consent for clinical conditions of hospitalization.
Off the cost management of breast augmentation varies between 3,000 and $795,000.

Who practice breast augmentation?

At the public hospital or private clinic accredited, the surgeon must always have the specialty of "plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic" officially recognized by the Council of the College of Physicians. Other surgeons are qualified to perform cosmetic surgery in the limited context of their anatomical specialization (Maxillofacial Surgery, for example).

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