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What is roseola in children?

Roseola in children

Roseola infantum is also called exanthem subitum, because this is the sixth childhood disease causing infantile exanthem (rash red skin) to be appointed. It is caused by a herpesvirus, the herpesvirus 6.

Roseola, the incubation period is ten days, does not last more than a few days. Originally viral, it spreads by direct contact during the incubation periods and fever precede the appearance of pimples. The children get in epidemic periods.

Which is concerned with roseola?

Benign roseola for children aged 1 month to 2 and a half years. It becomes rare after 4 years. Therefore, no vaccine is needed for now.

Signs and symptoms of roseola

Characteristics of roseola (fever and rash) are similar to those of scarlet fever and rubella.

High fever 3 days (39-40 ° C) falls abruptly to the appearance of the rash similar to rubella, unlike the pink spots develop on the whole body and save the face. The rash, transient, lasting 1-3 days.

When to call the doctor?

From the earliest days of fever to diagnosis, and should reconsult when complications. Very rare, these complications are dehydration from diarrhea and convulsions during fever (febrile convulsions), usually not serious.

Treatment of roseola

Treatments are mainly fever. The administration of paracetamol is recommended. To avoid dehydration, it is also recommended to drink the child regularly during the day.

Not to be confused with anything?

  • With other eruptive diseases of childhood: measles, scarlet fever and rubella particular.
  • Chickenpox with vesicles and not spots, there is no possible confusion.

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