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What quick forkammerrytme investigations are appropriate?

By serious and frequent complaints should be investigated so as to determine the rhythm disturbance in question. A number of investigations may be appropriate.

This is a painless and quick survey to map the electrical activity of your heart. This is done by electrodes attached to your skin on the chest, arms and legs. The study shows if you have an ongoing rhythm disturbance, and in some cases also demonstrate the underlying cause of this disorder. This study can be done at the GP, and it can often be the only investigation required.

24-hour ECG
In many cases, the abnormal heart rhythm which comes and goes, and in such cases, it may be difficult to get an ECG taken during the seizure, particularly if the attack is of short duration. It may be useful to register the attack with ECG and to increase the chance of "catching up" attack; one can put on your ECG equipment that you wear for 24 hours. This is also called Holter monitoring, and means that you are connected to an ECG machine that records your heart rate while doing your normal activities. You will as well be asked to perform "diary" while the appliance is plugged in, so you can see if there is consistency between your subjective symptoms and any ECG changes, and whether there are specific activities that trigger the episodes.

A stress ECG
This is done by first taking an ECG at rest, then an ECG taken while the heart is charged in that you walk on a treadmill or cycling on a stationary bicycle. If you are unable to charge the heart through physical activity, may be given a medicine that short-term strain the heart if there is suspicion of underlying coronary artery disease (angina pectoris), this study important.

This is an ultrasound of the heart. It is performed by passing a small hand-held transmitter / receiver of the ultrasound of your chest, and one has obtained pictures of your heart on a screen. Your doctor may be using the images judge how well your heart pumps, if there are areas of the heart muscle that do not operate properly, and the valves of the heart are working properly. In some cases, this examination may be required to do via the esophagus ( transesophageal echocardiography ) to get a more accurate picture.

Cardiac catheterization and coronary angiography
Such studies are necessary if you experience symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness, loss of consciousness and suspected heart disease. This is research that is done under local anesthesia, and give the doctor an opportunity to evaluate the arteries of the heart and blood flow through the heart.

Electrophysiological tests
If you find signs of failure of the heart's electrical conduction system, may be required to make thorough investigations of the conduction system. This is a survey done by several small sensors placed in your heart chambers via a catheter (read more about this during cardiac catheterization ), which records the electrical activity of your heart. The survey is done under local anesthesia often performed radiofrequency ablation at the same time (more on that later).

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