Implantable defibrillator
An implantable defibrillator works by detecting and stopping dangerous, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). The unit monitors the heartbeat all the time, and it emits electrical shocks to restore normal rhythm if necessary.
What is an implantable defibrillator?
An implantable defibrillator (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator = ICD) may be surgically implanted into the chest wall. The purpose of such a defibrillator is to reduce the risk of dying if your heart turns into a dangerous heart rhythm and stop's beating - a cardiac arrest. You may need such a defibrillator if you have facilities for ventricular tachycardia - a deadly heart rhythm disorder - or if you have ventricular fibrillation - a condition where the heart just trembles and is unable to pump blood to the body, a condition that results in death if treatment is not immediately is given.
An implantable defibrillator works by detecting and stopping dangerous, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). The unit continuously monitors your heart rate, and it emits electrical shocks to restore normal rhythm if necessary.
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