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What To Eat When Breastfeeding For More Milk?

The same diet that you follow during your pregnancy, and even a little more ...

Even if your diet is deficient, your body can produce milk of excellent quality and in sufficient quantity to promote the growth and health of your baby. However, do not miss the magical moments to come, you must maintain a good diet and redo your reservations in some specific nutrients.

Energy SVP

Keep good eating habits during pregnancy. Choosing larger portions and taking three snacks per day, you will overwhelm your higher-energy needs, or about 450 calories more than you consume before your pregnancy.

You still hungry?

Choose snacks are easy to prepare and high in protein and fiber fill you issue until the next meal. And do not worry, the excess energy is used to produce your milk and should not make you gain weight.

Sources of protein

  • Meat   
  • Fish   
  • Poultry   
  • Seafood   
  • Eggs   
  • Cheese  
  • Yogurt   
  • Milk   
  • Legumes  
  • Tofu   
  • Nuts and seeds
Sources of fiber

  • Whole grain products
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

No dieting!

Diets should be avoided during the first 30 days after delivery. This may affect milk production is beginning to stabilize. During the first months of breastfeeding, it is important to eat enough.

After the first month, gradual weight loss should not be a problem. A rapid weight loss, however, can affect growth and weight gain for your baby. Start slowly reducing your intake of foods high in fat such as butter, cakes, pastries and dairy products fatter.

In search of good fats

The type of fat in your diet fat influences the quality of your milk and can affect the development of your child.

Choose fat health benefits:

  • Fish or sea fish: trout, salmon, haddock, halibut, soul, shrimp, scallops;
  • Vegetable oils such as olive oil, canola or sunflower oil. Put them in your salad dressings or on your vegetables.
  • Avoid as much as possible sources of hydrogenated fats such as fried foods, chips, etc....

Attention to alcohol

About an hour after being consumed, alcohol passes into your milk, which has the effect of affecting the smell and the amount ejected. Prolonged exposure your baby to alcohol may also slow motor development. Wait until the alcohol is eliminated from your body before breastfeeding. Consumption (240 ml or 150 ml of beer wine) takes 2 to three hours before being completely removed.

Reduce coffee ...

Like alcohol, caffeine is found in your milk 1-3 hours after ingestion of coffee or tea. Caffeine may accumulate in the body and disrupt your child's sleep. So it is best not to drink more than 1 to 2 cups of coffee or tea per day. Furthermore, look to other sources of caffeine colas, chocolate and some medications.

The adventure of flavors

No food is bad for your baby. Your milk contains odors and flavors depending on what you ate in the previous 4 to six hours. Take advantage of breastfeeding for your child to live a unique sensory experience! If baby reacts and becomes irritable, it may be that food consumed at the previous meal gives your milk taste too strong. Temporarily avoid this food, and reinsert five days later, issue to ensure that baby has not changed his mind ...

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