In endemic areas, prevention of cholera consists essentially of measures of health, including preventing the crossing of the food chain with the chain of excrement.
On a personal level, it is necessary to wash hands thoroughly and avoid collective towel. It must clean and disinfect everything that has been in contact with fecal matter (NB: sick or not sick, they are, in fact, healthy carriers ).
Regarding food, you should use clean water for hygiene, drinking and washing food: if the country does not have a network of sewage disposal and water treatment, Use water delivered encapsulated in a bottle (which will be unsealed ahead) or if water boiled or chlorinated. We must beware of "hidden" sources of contaminated water: fruits and vegetables that may have been washed with unhygienic water (it should peel), ice, ice-creams and sorbets. Avoid seafood Regarding collective action, organizing the supply of drinking water at least for drinking and washing and disposal of feces.
There are several vaccines whose effectiveness is not absolute and are not mandatory in any country. Although more widely available to protect 90% of people vaccinated, the price of about $ 20 per dose and the fact that its effectiveness is only six months to a year, prevents overcome disease. This vaccine is marketed, especially for travelers. Other vaccines already exist in much smaller quantities. However, a new vaccine cheaper has shown promising results. Its oral absorption and its price can be a major player in the fight against the disease in the future.
The sulfadoxine (en) has been used successfully in the past according to the recommendations of the Doctor Lapeyssonnie, the Armed Forces Health Service (SSA) .
Researchers also believe to designate in advance the areas of risk and outbreak of plague in the endemic area by continuous analysis (monitoring) satellite imagery to predict outbreaks of copepods needed to trigger epidemics from outbreaks of phytoplankton.
A comprehensive multidisciplinary approach is recommended by the WHO to obviate a possible outbreak of cholera control is not the case of the health sector alone. Sectors of water, sanitation, education and communication, among others, are also affected but not only essential.
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