Nurse helping a man suffering from cholera to drink a rehydration solution.
Cholera directed faecal - oral route or through the consumption of contaminated food and water can transmit bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, due to a severe intestinal infection. The most serious form of the disease is characterized by the sudden onset of acute watery diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and kidney failure fatal. Incubation period is very short - two hours to five days - because of the explosive increase dramatically increases the risk of incidents quickly.
Approximately, 75% of people infected show no symptoms, but the pathogens stay in their faeces for seven to fourteen days and is discharged into the environment, potentially infecting others. Cholera is an extremely virulent disease that affects both children and adults. Unlike other diarrheal diseases, which kill healthy adults within hours. The risk of death is higher in patients immunocompromised as malnourished children or people living with HIV.
In mild cases, cholera manifested by enteritis, which is usually not diagnosed as cholera. As well as diarrhea and hypokalemia, and acidosis, which can lead to dehydration and loss of minerals, (day 50 to 100) is often profuse watery. Severe vomiting itself clearly. The stools are colorless and odorless (appearance of "rice water"). In severe cases, this metabolic modification can result in death within a day or two.
The correct diagnosis is made by culture of bacteria from feces.
Treatment consists primarily rehydration, Which resolved spontaneously within a few days longer keeps the patient alive. Joint, limiting the spread of microbes to antibiotics can be administered at the beginning.
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