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Oils: What you should know

All vegetable oils contain a small percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and a percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA) at variable rates.

(AFSSA sources / Ciqual)
• Peanut oil is the richest in saturated fatty acids, which is not a nutritional advantage, but it nevertheless provides a good stability during cooking. Hence his interest in the case of frying and cooking at high temperatures.

• Olive oil can be used cold, but also for cooking because it is resistant to high temperatures.

• oils rich in essential fatty acids omega 3 do not support the heat and should be reserved for seasoning: oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil, wheat germ ...

• oils rich in omega 6 and poor in omega-3 oil like sunflower, peanut, grapeseed ... should not be used daily because of their bad report 6/oméga omega 3. They must choose an oil ensuring a good intake of omega 3 as rapeseed oil or walnut oil.

• To ensure the right balance of fatty acids, the ideal practice is to use a combination of olive oil and rapeseed oil or nuts.

It is commercially available vegetable oils blend well balanced as long as they contain enough omega 3 fatty acids (more than 9% on the label).

Oils developed in the context of cardiovascular prevention is a masterful blend of rapeseed, walnut, grapeseed oil, virgin olive, wheat germ and fish oils (with a good report 6/oméga omega 3).

Some details

Virgin olive oil: cold extraction (mechanical, without solvents, without refining process physical or chemical).
Oil from the first pressing: grains crushed and pressed mechanically (with press).

Oil first cold pressed: mechanical pressure low temperature does not undergo any processing oil.
Refined oil: oil refining suffered two successive (physical and chemical).

Hydrogenated vegetable oil: oil having undergone an industrial process (hydrogenation), which aims to increase the stability of the oils and sensitive to oxidation heat by reducing their PUFA content. But it leads to the formation of fatty acids "trans" harmful to health.

This method is also used for the manufacture of certain margarines fluids from vegetable oils that hydrogenation will harden.

The simple term "vegetable oil" mentioned on the labels often hides an oil rich in saturated fatty acids or fatty acids "trans", while the specific name of the oil is usually mentioned when it comes to a "good oil" (rapeseed, walnut, olive, sunflower).

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