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How does the electrical system of the heart work

In a healthy person with a normal, healthy heart, it is unlikely that a sustained rhythm disturbance can occur without any external factor affecting.

It may be an electric shock or use of any illegal drug. This is primarily because the heart is free from abnormal items, such as scar tissue.

Scars in the heart may occur as a result of a wide range of conditions, but most commonly it is after a heart attack. Scar may interfere with initiation of an impulse in the sinus node or the spread of the impulse conduction system.

In addition, the cardiac cells' inability to conduct electric impulses in the refractory period, helping to prevent accidental electrical impulses occurred elsewhere than in the sinus node, progresses to an arrhythmia.

Damage to the electrical system of the heart

If, however, a heart disease or damage, initiation and propagation of the heart's electrical impulses become destabilized, which increases the risk of arrhythmias may occur.

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