Different types myoclonus
Infantile myoclonic epilepsy seizures involving the neck, the shoulders and arms. These attacks usually occur shortly after awakening.
In rare cases, myoclonic jerks may be a symptom of the syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, in which case, they are very strong and difficult to control.
The progressive myoclonic epilepsy includes both myoclonic seizures that tonic-clonic seizures. The treatment is not usually effective for a prolonged period of time. Classify different types of myoclonus is difficult because the causes, effects and responses to treatment vary widely. Here are the types most commonly described:
Myoclonus' s action is characterized by muscle spasms caused or intensified by voluntary movement or even the intention to move. It can be worsened by attempts to clear and coordinated movement. Action myoclonus is the most disabling and can affect the legs, arms, face and even voice. This form of myoclonus is derived from brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen in the respiration or by an interruption of blood flow due to a cardiac arrest.
The cortical reflex myoclonus is considered a type of epilepsy that originates in the cerebral cortex, the outermost layer (or gray matter) of the brain, responsible for much of information processing that occurs in the brain. In this type of myoclonus, spasms usually involve a few muscles in one part of the body (may happen that involve multiple muscle spasms). Cortical reflex myoclonus can be intensified when the person tries to perform special moves or feels certain sensations.
The essential myoclonus occurs in the absence of epilepsy or other abnormalities in the brain or nervous system. It occurs randomly in people without "family history," but can also appear among the members of one family, indicating that it can sometimes be an inherited disorder. The essential myoclonus tends to be stable over time without worsening of intensity. Some scientists speculate that some forms may be a type of epilepsy with no known cause.
The palatal myoclonus is a rhythmic contraction and adjust one or both sides of the soft palate. These contractions may be accompanied by myoclonus in other muscles, including those of the face, tongue, throat and diaphragm. The contractions are very fast (up to 150 per minute) and may persist even during sleep. The disease usually appears in adulthood and can last indefinitely. People with palatal myoclonus consider it a matter of little importance, although occasionally complain of a sound ("click") in your ears as you tighten the muscles of the palate.
The 'progressive myoclonic epilepsy (PME) is a group of diseases characterized by myoclonus, epileptic seizures and other severe symptoms such as trouble walking and speaking. These disorders often worsen over time and sometimes are fatal. Studies have identified at least three forms of PME. The Lafora disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder, which means that the disease occurs only when the child inherits two copies of the gene "defective," one from each parent. Lafora disease is characterized by myoclonus, epileptic seizures and dementia (progressive loss of memory and other intellectual functions). A second group of PME diseases belonging to the class of the brain usually involves myoclonus, visual problems, dementia, and dystonia (sustained muscle contractions that cause twisting movements or abnormal postures). Another group of PME, the class of systematic degeneracies, it is often characterized by action myoclonus, seizures, problems with balance and walking. Many of these diseases begin in childhood or adolescence.
The reticular reflex myoclonus is thought to be a type of generalized epilepsy that originates in the brainstem, the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord and controls vital functions like breathing and heartbeat. The myoclonic jerks usually affect the entire body and the muscles on both sides simultaneously. In some individuals, they affect only in a part, such as legs, with all the muscles of that part involved in the spasm. Reticular reflex myoclonus can be triggered either by a voluntary movement that has an external stimulus.
The stimulus-sensitive myoclonus is triggered by a variety of external events such as noise, movement and light. The surprise may increase the sensitivity of the subject.
The nocturnal myoclonus occurs during the initial phase of sleep, especially at the time of falling asleep. Some forms appear to be stimulus-sensitive. People suffering from nocturnal myoclonus rarely require treatment or are bothered. However, it may be a symptom of sleep disorders as complex as the restless legs syndrome, which can take care of a physician.
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