Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage diagnosed
How the condition diagnosed?
Intense and sudden headache with neck stiffness and eventually the veil of consciousness is typical of this disease. Suspicion of subarachnoid hemorrhage, the patient will be hospitalized immediately. It is often difficult to exclude this condition based on medical history and findings on medical examination alone. The final diagnosis is made by CT scan of the brain or if the CT scanned is normal and strong suspicion, by lumbar puncture with the detection of blood in the fluid around the spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid). Spinal puncture may reveal even the smallest flow.
CT reveals the majority of bleeding, but not the least. The survey is quicker to perform than MRI of the brain and demonstrated with greater precision bleeding the first day. The probability of finding subarachnoid blood on brain CT on the same day 95%, on day 3 is the 74% and after three, weeks almost zero.
Injection of contrast fluid in the brain's blood vessels ( angiography ) or CT angiography can localize the vessel that bleeds. The survey is a preliminary to the operation and requires the patient's condition is so stable that surgery is appropriate. Detection of the aneurysm in the skull as the possible or likely cause of the bleeding is done by CT angiography, X-ray angiography or additional MRI diagnostics.
When it is shown that the bleeding is caused by an aneurysm, it is important to secure the patient against re-bleeding as soon as possible.
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