Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia treatment
What is the treatment?
The main goal of treatment is to prevent sudden cardiac death. Although there is no curative treatment for ARVD, then rhythm disorders are treated. Available treatments are lifestyle changes, medications against arrhythmias, radiofrequency ablation, implantation of defibrillators and other surgery.
The first step in treatment is to teach patients without the disease. Although there is no clear evidence on the benefits of lifestyle changes, patient should avoid activities that can trigger rapid pulse, such as strong physical strain. Once you have had effective control of the rhythm disturbance, it can increase physical activity under close medical supervision.
Medications that help to stabilize the heart rhythm, is the first and the most common treatment for ARVD. No medicine has proven fully effective in controlling or eliminating the rhythm disturbance. A wide variety of drugs can be used.
Other treatments
Radiofrequency Ablation is used where medication helps poor to frequent and dangerous arrhythmias. The treatment involves a catheter within the heart through the arm. From the tip of the catheter can be sent out radio waves that burned away diseased tissue so that there are fewer arrhythmias. The aim of Radiofrequency Ablation is to eliminate electrical conduction pathways that maintain the rhythm disturbance. Since Radiofrequency, Ablation is successful in only 30-65% of cases, many patients need repeated such as treatments.
A so-called defibrillator can be surgically implanted beneath the skin. It has wires that go to the heart. Defibrillator monitors the heart, and with serious arrhythmias can send out electric shocks that can stop the rhythm disturbance. The timing of implantation is controversial because there are no clear guidelines for risk assessment of patients with ARVD. Complications of insertion of the defibrillator are rare.
If the above treatments fail, so-called ventrikulo tomi and transplantation possible alternative's right-sided ventrikulo tomi performed by connecting the right ventricle from the rest at the heart. Heart transplantation may be appropriate for patients in which both chambers of the heart are weak and where there is significant heart failure.
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