What is Kawasaki Syndrome
What is Kawasaki Syndrome?
It is a febrile illness in children with rash, mucosal changes and lymph node enlargement. There is inflammation in the body's blood vessels (vasculitis). The condition is self-limiting and resolves by itself. Although the condition is by itself, one can get without late effects of treatment. The development of ballooning (aneurysm) of a coronary arteries (coronary arteries) in 20-25% if you do not receive treatment. In time, these sinuses interspersed cause serious complications. The disease was first described in Japan in the 1960s.
The disease affects children aged from three months to 12 years, 85% are under five years a . Isolated cases in adults are described. Sweden has found an annual incidence of 6.2 cases per 100,000 under five. The incidence of the disease varies throughout the year, with peaks in winter and spring.
The syndrome is most commonly in Asians, a little less frequently among blacks and lowest among whites. The incidence in the West is increasing.
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