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Kawasaki syndrome

Plan for follow-up depends on several factors. These include the age when one becomes ill, the effect of treatment and the size of any ballooning of the arteries. The current guidelines released in 2004.

Doctors found no or small, transient changes in a coronary arteries, there is no need for special attention beyond the medical checkups every 3 to five years. These controls should include an assessment of the overall risk of cardiovascular disease and counseling to reduce this. There is no need for special inspections or monitoring by the cardiologist.

Doctors found a small change in the coronary arteries; the child should continue with medication (ASA) until the changes have gone back. There are no restrictions on physical activity except for the first 6-8 weeks in children under 11 years. Children over 11 years of age must receive individual advice on physical activity depending on the findings on cardiac examinations. After the initial phase of illness, it is recommended annual follow-up by the cardiologist.

the kawasaki syndrome long term effects

In the case of larger or more ballooning of the arteries, put the child on long-term treatment with blood thinners. Contact Sports discouraged until the cardiologist may find that the changes have gone back. It is recommended follow-up twice a year by the cardiologist. The same recommendations apply if it is shown that the arteries are clogged.

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