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Folder Nursing Personal information Form

In the paper, version also serves as a "container," as usually placed on the cover of the folder. With the software version but will require an additional interface, a first screen that functions from the main menu to be able to move within the contents of the folder.

In this case, the screen with their personal data will be accessible by indicating the name of the user, and is likely to exploit a database company, with the basic content that will be supplemented or corrected during the interview (always check the address, and numbers phone).

We are transcribed medical diagnoses known if verified (obtained from medical records, or communicated by the physician), invalidating any conditions, allergies note that, for methodological correctness, should be recorded in "Nursing History Form," but given their importance is always preferable to place them in the "front page."

It better is always well marked, so that no operator made some errors (e.g., not realizing that, someone is diabetic or allergic to kiwi fruit). If the folder is at home, also evaluate the condition of family housing functions and the presence of media and social welfare.

This may indicate a relative reference to the need to contact or, in the home, a care-giver that will serve as an alternative to ' nurses in the process. Always consider an area "Notes," useful for all events and contingencies.

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